Waters finds joy in the highs following a period of struggles for Duke football :: WRALSportsFan.com

Waters finds joy in the highs following a period of struggles for Duke football :: WRALSportsFan.com

Kacy Hintz, a sports anchor and reporter for WRAL, is the author of this article.

Jordan Waters has experienced the struggles of the Duke football team.

The graduate student who plays as a running back has persevered, and is now enjoying the best moments with the Blue Devils this year.

During a face-to-face conversation with WRAL, the person from Fairmont discussed their sources of motivation both on and off the sports field.

Waters stated, “The previous year was a question of ‘What should we do?’ But now, it is a matter of ‘How do we accomplish it?’ And how do we maintain our success?”

So far, it has been fantastic. In just seven games, he has already scored nine rushing touchdowns, surpassing the eight he had in the entire previous season. Waters has proven himself to be one of the top rushers in the ACC, but he used to doubt his abilities.

Waters stated that he was informed of the existence of numerous other individuals named Jordan Waters. He personally believes that he did not possess the necessary size and speed to perform at the same level as them.

The change is attributed to Waters’ new team and his own confidence in himself.

“I believe I have dedicated myself to training during the offseason. With increased motivation, I am more driven than ever before,” stated Waters.

However, to uncover his true motivation, one must journey a few hours south of Durham. Jordan hails from the small border town of Fairmont and was a three-star athlete in high school. Although Duke was the first school to offer him a spot, it was ultimately the only one he required.

Waters expressed gratitude for the unique opportunity to attend Duke, as it is not something many people are able to do. He recognizes that there are others who would do anything to be in his position and he does not want to take this opportunity for granted.

Waters has dedicated his life to pursuing a football career for the sake of his family. “I will feel like I have achieved something when my parents can relax and enjoy themselves every day without having to work,” Waters stated.

Water is currently studying sociology with the intention of aiding his hometown. He expressed, “I have a passion for interacting with individuals, regardless of age, and in my hometown, I aspire to contribute to my community.”

Waters is accomplishing everything he set out to do when he arrived at Duke. There is just one thing left. “I’ll be lying if I didn’t say (win the) ACC championship. That’s the bare minimum for us, for all of us, the whole team,” Waters said.

Source: wralsportsfan.com