The UK’s cybersecurity center warns that “deepfakes” and other artificial intelligence tools could potentially jeopardize the integrity of the upcoming election.

The cybersecurity organization in Britain warned on Tuesday that the use of artificial intelligence could jeopardize the upcoming national election, and there has been a rise in cyberattacks carried out by hostile nations and their allies, making them increasingly difficult to trace.

The National Cyber Security Center stated that this year has witnessed the emergence of state-affiliated individuals as a novel cyber hazard to vital national infrastructures, including power grids, water systems, and internet networks.

According to its annual report, the center, which is a division of the British cyber intelligence agency GCHQ, has observed the rise of a new type of cyber threat. These state-aligned actors, who may support Russia’s actions in Ukraine and are driven by ideology rather than financial gain, have become a significant concern in the past year.

According to the report, both states and state-affiliated organizations are considered a constant and major danger. This includes Russian individuals who use ransomware attacks to target British companies, as well as Chinese cyber actors who are linked to the government and use their expertise to pursue strategic goals that could potentially harm UK interests.

The center echoed concerns from Britain’s MI5 and MI6 intelligence agencies and stated that China’s ascent as a tech powerhouse presents a significant challenge for U.K security.

If we do not keep up with our efforts to increase resilience and improve our capabilities, there is a danger of China becoming the main power in cyberspace. This was stated in the notification.

The report emphasized the danger of rapidly advancing AI technology to electoral processes, specifically in regards to the upcoming U.K. national election scheduled for January 2025.

The traditional method of voting in Britain, using pencil and paper, makes it difficult for hackers to interfere with the actual vote. However, the center warned that the use of deepfake videos and highly realistic bots could make it easier to spread disinformation during a campaign.
