Four takeaways from Elon Musk's conversation with Don Lemon.

Four takeaways from Elon Musk’s conversation with Don Lemon.

Don Lemon, a former CNN journalist, engaged in a conversation with Elon Musk, the CEO of Tesla, which was later shared on Musk’s social network, X, this Monday. The interview was meant to launch Lemon’s new talk show on X (previously called Twitter), but it was canceled by Musk shortly after being recorded.

During the span of just over 60 minutes, the two individuals engaged in an intellectual battle discussing topics such as the political impact of immigration, the pros and cons of moderating content, Musk’s struggles with depression, and his utilization of ketamine for relief.

These are some of the most noteworthy occurrences.


Musk described X as a “player versus player platform,” a term commonly used in video games for competitive matches where players battle each other until one is declared the winner. Although he didn’t elaborate on his comparison of X to a death match, he did mention it in relation to his tendency to engage in heated debates in late-night posts.

Musk brought up the topic when discussing his favorite way to unwind – playing video games, specifically the player versus player (PvP) mode which he considers to be intense gaming. He sees it as a way to release tension, and agreed with Lemon’s suggestion that facing multiple opponents can have the same effect, to some extent. However, Musk also noted that this isn’t always the case.

“I utilize it to share jokes, trivia, or important matters,” stated Musk when discussing his X posts.


According to Musk, he is typically sober when making posts on X late at night. He doesn’t drink or use drugs, as mentioned in previous interviews. When asked about using the anesthetic and depression medication ketamine, Musk’s voice trailed off.

Lemon inquired about Musk’s use of ketamine and Musk responded that he has a prescription for it. However, Musk expressed discomfort with being asked about his medical prescription, as he considers it a personal matter. He shared that at times, he experiences a negative state of mind, most likely referring to depression, and mentioned that ketamine can offer relief from such negative thoughts.

When asked about his potential drug use, Musk stated that he does not believe he abuses any substances. He explained that excessive use of ketamine hinders productivity, and since he has a heavy workload, it is unlikely that he has used too much of it.


Musk stated that he had an unexpected encounter with Donald Trump in Florida not long ago. He explained that he was having breakfast at a friend’s house and Trump happened to stop by. Musk shared that Trump dominated the conversation and that there was nothing particularly groundbreaking or novel discussed. Furthermore, Trump did not make any requests for donations from Musk.

According to Musk, President Trump is known for his talkative nature and tends to share his thoughts frequently. Musk also mentioned that he does not remember Trump making any new statements that have not already been made public.

Elon Musk stated that he will not publicly support or financially support any U.S. presidential candidate at this time. He did mention the possibility of changing his mind in the future. According to Musk, he currently has no preference for a particular candidate, but he did mention that he is not in favor of Joe Biden.


Elon Musk stated that he rejects the “great replacement theory,” which is a racist idea that falsely claims Jews are plotting to decrease the power of white individuals in the United States. In his conversation with Lemon, Musk made an unsupported argument that an influx of immigrants without permanent legal status has caused US elections to favor Democrats.

Lemon noted that individuals residing in the United States without legal authorization are unable to participate in voting, making it difficult for them to show preference towards a specific political party. In response, Musk stated that these individuals are still counted in the U.S. Census, resulting in an inflated population count for states with a high immigrant population. This could potentially lead to an increase in the number of representatives sent to the House of Representatives in Washington, but this reapportionment only occurs every ten years.
