Tyne Ross, a senior at Union Pines, goes above and beyond by juggling sports and achieving success.
Tyne Ross, a senior at Union Pines High School, has a large group of supporters.
Felicia Marks, the head coach of the volleyball team, stated that if you watch Tyne Ross, you will witness her amazing skills.
David Wall, the head coach of the girls tennis team, stated that she is the ideal athlete that every coach dreams of having.
This could be related to the level of difficulty she took on this autumn.
Wall stated, “The pressure can be overwhelming for me and many other athletes, but Tyne manages it very effectively.”
Ross participates in both volleyball and tennis, which is typically not a significant issue, except that they both take place during the same season.
“I’ve made the decision that this will be my final year. As a senior, I might as well participate in both,” Ross chuckled.
It can be difficult to manage such a large time commitment and logistically challenging to coordinate, especially when there are overlapping matches.
“She rushes into the gym wearing her tennis attire, quickly retrieves her volleyball jersey from the bin, changes, and heads straight to the court,” Marks chuckled.
“I was quite busy and feeling anxious initially, but I decided to approach it one day at a time and have faith that everything will turn out alright,” Ross stated.
She has received a volleyball scholarship to attend North Carolina A&T and did not lose any sets during the regular tennis season.
Marks stated that managing everything requires additional effort.
Ross expressed gratitude for being able to participate in both sports this year, highlighting the strong sense of support within the community. They acknowledged the coaches, athletic director, and parents for their unwavering encouragement.
We both feel the same way.
According to Wall, she is a rare individual who is kind, caring, compassionate, and willing to help with any task.
Therefore, Tyne Ross has been selected as the recipient of this week’s Tom Suiter Extra Effort Award.

Source: highschoolot.com