Train smart, train safe: Essential tips for injury prevention

Train smart, train safe: Essential tips for injury prevention

As a sports participant, it is important to consistently train in order to always be prepared for competition. However, sustaining an injury can significantly hinder your season.

It is crucial to avoid injuries by implementing intelligent tactics that will keep you in optimal physical condition for the game.


The most important action you can take? Rest.

It may come as a surprise that ensuring adequate sleep is the most important factor in preventing injuries.

According to Bryer Rogers, the head coach at D1 Training Holly Springs, getting enough sleep is essential for our bodies to recuperate from strenuous physical activities such as workouts, games, or matches.

Exercising while fatigued not only impacts your physical performance, but also negatively affects your overall well-being.

According to Kennie Apilli, a strength and conditioning coach at D1 Training Holly Springs, if you are not getting sufficient sleep, your body will be in a weakened state when taking on additional work. This is because the time we spend sleeping is when our cells have a chance to regenerate.

Eat healthy

A different approach to maintaining the body’s well-being, apart from exercise, is through proper nutrition.

Rogers stated that he has heard all sorts of excuses, but he is just as determined as his clients when it comes to the idea that eating healthier is difficult. He believes otherwise.

According to him, many teenagers do not eat enough, but for athletes, it is essential to consume sufficient amounts of protein and carbohydrates to provide energy for their bodies.

Warm up properly

Performing adequate warm-up exercises is probably not unexpected among the suggested strategies.

In short, Apilli advises against starting a workout without properly warming up. It is not recommended to quickly dive into the main part of the exercise. To avoid injuries, it’s best to gradually ease into and out of movements.

According to Apilli, the correct method for stretching is to do it while in motion, rather than standing still. Stretching should be included at the beginning and end of a workout.

“He advised against abruptly stopping after completing a difficult run or workout. Just like how repeatedly slamming on the gas or brakes can harm a car, doing so will not benefit your body.”

Performing a dynamic warm up can improve the mobility of your spine, hips, and shoulders.

“If you are working out in the weight room and your primary goal is to squat, it would be beneficial to concentrate on your hips, ankles, and knees,” advised Rogers. “Be sure to properly warm up your knees before beginning. Additionally, ensure that your lower back and thoracic area are also adequately warmed up.”

Rogers begins each workout by emphasizing flexibility and mobility exercises with the student athletes.

According to Rogers, flexibility refers to being able to reach down and touch one’s toes or cross their arms across their chest for a good stretch. Mobility, on the other hand, is the ability to move freely and without any restrictions.

Based on past experiences, Rogers understands the significance of balancing both aspects to prevent injuries.

“It is crucial for the health of children, both in the present and in the future, that their joints and bodies can move freely without any restrictions or compensations,” he remarked.

Instead of using half of the training time for warm up, it can be integrated into the training with a focus on deep mobility for only one or two days a week.

According to Rogers, it’s not necessary to overdo things. Instead, you should strive to be efficient and make the most of your time.


All levels of skill benefit from

Individuals who are not necessarily athletes can still see advantages from engaging in physical activity and understanding correct body mechanics. For instance, Rogers assisted a client who experienced discomfort when trying to lift objects above his head. Together, they focused on improving shoulder external rotation, flexibility, and muscle strength.

“Surprisingly, his grandchildren arrived in town and he joyfully tossed them into the pool without hesitation,” he shared. “That’s what truly matters.”

Explore various training choices and register for a complimentary session at D1 Training Holly Springs.
