Panthers QB Bryce Young to sit out preseason opener against Patriots ::

Panthers QB Bryce Young to sit out preseason opener against Patriots ::

Oh, we just, somebody just popped into my ears. We have breaking news a minute and a half to me and that breaking news is Bryce Young will not be playing in the preseason opener on Thursday for the Carolina Panthers. Thank you very much to, uh, to, to Graham Hill and, uh, here at 99 9, the fan are very own. Dennis Cox who, uh, presented that information not playing in the preseason. Let me let me cover my bases here. Ok? Uh, because we were gonna talk just, just so, you know, I’m gonna have to leave you hanging on the mullet story. Now you’re, now you’re really throwing out the typical vibes of the Adam Gold show. I’m gonna have to leave you hanging on the mullet story because I want to focus in on this a little bit here. We can come back to the mullet story. Um I’m gonna cover my bases. There are a few ways where I think and when I say a few, I mean, two, there are a couple ways in which I think Bryce Young not playing in Thursday’s preseason game makes sense. And I’m not saying we have to be given this information. But this is where I think him not playing makes sense. If a, he’s dealing with any kind of an ay, a boo boo. Right. An ouchie. Sorry, I have a three year old at home. I, I talk like a, like I’m talking to a toddler when it comes to injuries. I’m also producing. So it works out if, if, if he has a, a stinger, if he has a blister on a hand, it doesn’t have to take much. But if he is already hurt and you don’t want to put him out there, that’s fine. Right. And in, in the regular season, there’s the difference between hurt and injured in the preseason, hurt, injured sore, like, like it all kind of adds up to the same and that’s, if it’s a person important to your team, you don’t play them. If they’re not trying to make the team, you don’t play him, the other would be if the offensive line has some, some, uh, injuries. So you don’t want to play your first team offensive line. I will, if I can avoid it at all costs, avoid playing my starting quarterback with anything but the best offensive line I can possibly put out on the field. So if I, if I think my, my quarterback needs reps, guess what the starting offensive line is getting reps, even if you’re all veterans and the, the, the quarterback is the youngster, you’re all getting reps. Barring those two things. Bryce Young needs reps. Right. Barring a couple of injuries and, and you don’t have to disclose them. Right. If they’re small enough, if they’re literal, like ouchies, you don’t have to tell us. Uh, but barring that if that’s not true on the, the inside of that facility, Bryce Young needs reps and it’s not just him out there, uh, like, you know, it’s, it’s different than AAA practice rep. Right, you might say, oh, well, he gets reps in seven on seven or 11 on 11. Yes, but they’re not game day reps. There is a difference just like there’s a difference between the preseason and the regular season. I’m not pretending that you get the exact look you get in the regular season and the preseason. I’m also not gonna sit here and, and pretend that practice in the preseason is the same. I mean, look, I, I kinda have to call my baby ugly a little bit yesterday just because I was saying, you know, I guess we’ll just see what you see is what you get in the season opener for the Carolina Panthers. But to me that’s a disservice to not only Carolina Panthers fans but to Bryce Young as well. I mean, you don’t know what you’re gonna get if you don’t play. So in theory, Bryce does you to play and he just needs to get the endgame reps just if it’s like, you know, one drive each preseason game. No drives is, you know, no drives is the worst drives possibly right now for, for this Caroline Panther’s offense here, here’s the way I look at it. Uh, and I’ve said this on air and I’m gonna continue saying this last year was a wash for Bryce Young. Right. For reasons outside of his control, he really had no opportunity to develop much and no opportunity to have much success. Right? He had an offensive line that was a sieve in front of him. 15 different offensive guards played in front of him. That’s absurd. Not to mention Iko Kwu not getting it done at left tackle, particularly in pass blocking. He had wide receivers that routinely could not get open outside of Adam Thiele. And when they did, there were oftentimes, um, I’d call them adventures at the end of the play, meaning DJ Charke dropping multiple consecutive passes, meaning, uh, uh, Jonathan Mingo, we referenced this yesterday on the air. Uh, Jonathan Mingo when Bryce Young was roll, rolling out of the pocket through a pass, jumped before he caught it and almost strained to step outside of the, the out of bounds line in a really weird maneuver. So, so, uh, that was taking place like there was there, like there were adventures at the end of these, these passes and they weren’t the good kind of adventures. So I will, uh, what I’ll say is I’m treating this upcoming year kind of as Bryce Young’s rookie year part two. Right. I’m treating it as last year was a wash. I’m not gonna hold it against you even though you were statistically one of the worst quarterbacks in the NFL. But I’m also not gonna give you credit for it. Right. I’m not gonna say, oh, now he’s a vet, now he’s a second year player. Now he doesn’t need preseason because he’s seen what it’s like to play in the NFL last season. To me, last season almost doesn’t exist. Right. At least that’s how I’m going to ask myself, I’m gonna try to see this upcoming season for the, the, uh, Panthers and specifically Bryce Young if last year doesn’t exist and this is rookie year part two. You don’t see rookies sit out of preseason. And I mean, that is a disservice to Bryce Young too just because if you listen to a lot of nationwide shows that we have right here that are on our network, 999, the fan, it seems like the arrows all point to Bryce Young as the problem for last, for last season. And then the success with this season is all gonna be, uh, it’s gonna be dictated on how well Bryce John is gonna bounce back and part of that is true, but I think outside of the big picture, it also comes down to these new sign ends. Dave Canalis is a head coach. Can he establish a run game because, you know, he says he wants to get the run game going, but it is fair to point out that during his time with Tampa Bay in Seattle, they didn’t have the best run game in the league. They, they did not have the most effective or efficient running game. They did stay committed to the running game. Uh, and, and right, the coach would say the reason why our passing game was efficient, especially if you’re looking at last year in Tampa where he was calling plays. Uh The reason why Mike Evans had a big year and average near the top of the league in yards per catch is because teams had to, whether they were running the ball well or not expend some of their resources, deploy some of their defensive players um up towards the, the line of scrimmage. So it is a, it is a, it is a, a kind of style of play calling, whether it’s effective or not to begin with the run, uh, which I think they will do this year. I think Chuba Hubbard’s gonna get a lot of carries early on Miles Sanders spelling him. And then I think it’s gonna be Chuba Hubbard and Jonathan Brooks and maybe Miles Sanders spelling them, uh, getting a ton of carries as the season moves along once Jonathan Brooks gets healthy, but all of that comes back to Bryce Young needs reps. Bryce Young’s, he needs reps and I’ll even go, like, psychologically. Right. I’ll, let’s go. Let’s go deep into the recesses of our brains for a second here. I think the team needs to see Bryce Young have success. I, I think it’s more likely to happen in the preseason. I think they need to see him throw a long touchdown pass. There were points in time last year where we were too far into the season and the longest offensive play from scrimmage was like 28 yards. Like, I think they need to see Bryce Young and I’m not saying they need to see it like, oh, if he did well in the preseason, we definitely now we can get behind him. I think it’s more subconscious, right? I think it’s more subconscious just to see success and get used to having success on offense and seeing big plays get made. So then, you know, when you see him drop back, you’re not going little internal cringe, right. Those, those involuntary instinctual reactions right now, they’re not good for Bryce because you haven’t seen anything else again. Not all his fault, right. Offense line wasn’t good enough. Receivers weren’t good enough. The play colors were changing seemingly by the week, right? It was Frank Reich, then it was Thomas Brown, then it was back to Frank Reich. Then when he got fired, it was back to Thomas Brown like those things and, and Josh mccown was his quarterback’s coach and he wasn’t his quarterback’s coach. Do staley was the running backs coach and he wasn’t the running backs coach. Right. All of those things come into play. So it’s not necessarily all his fault but nobody on that team, unless they played with him at Alabama or played against him in the sec has seen Bryce Young play a great football game. They’ve seen him play good. They’ve seen him lead game winning drives twice last year, but they haven’t seen him play a great football game. I think they need to see him do that, which is why. And I’ve said this over the last few weeks. Not only would I play Bryce Young, I’d play him a series or two more than the opposing team plays their starting defensive players. I get him a long touchdown drive. I don’t care if it’s against the twos. Your brain doesn’t know that. Right. Uh, for all my golfers out there. See, now it’s the Adam Gold show. Now I’m talking, now, I’m talking golf. Uh, there’s a, like a common belief in sports psychology when it comes to golf that your brain doesn’t hear no or doesn’t hear. Don’t, sorry, doesn’t hear. Don’t. So if you’re on, on the t and you have to hit it over water onto the green, you shouldn’t be saying in your brain don’t hit it in the water, don’t hit it in the water because your like subconscious brain doesn’t recognize. Don’t, so all your, your subconscious brain hears is hit it in the water, hit it in the water, hit it in the water. So instead you should think positively, right? You should think, like hit it on the green, hit it on the green just a different way to think. To me, your subconscious brain doesn’t know that those guys out there are the Patriots backups, right? They see a 50 yard touchdown, they just see a 50 yard touchdown. Your subconscious brain where it comes to building up that, uh, that confidence in a player, I do not like again barring injuries, barring something we don’t know, gotta leave yourself that trap door, that escape patch, barring that to the offensive line or Bryce or like the entirety of the receiving co I do not like him not playing in the preseason, particularly the first game where if he does tweak something, you know, ankle, tweak, whatever wrist sprain, uh, you have enough time before game one for him to get right. We do have some fresh sound. Thank you to Dennis Cox for pulling this fresh sound to go along with some fresh news. Bryce Young bench for the preseason. It’s, it’s, let’s not word it that way. He, he’s not bench but he, he’s, they are not playing Bryce Young in the first preseason game. He, he played in the first game and bench would be, he’s no longer a quarterback one. So it’s, you know, he’s not playing because they don’t want like he’s he’s, he lost his spot on the depth chart. He’s not benched, but he’s not playing on Thursday. Uh, who’s the audio from this is from head coach Dave Canal. It’s discussing why Bryce show will not play in the preseason opener. Bryce will not play. Ok. And then we’ll take that kind of week to week and, and, you know, get a sense for, do we need to get him out there in this system and kind of get a couple of series, you know, and, and, and do that. That’s something that, you know, I’ve done in the past, we’ve done both. So, um, for this game, he will not play interesting. It’s interesting. Like here’s, here’s the part that is, is tough for me to wrap my head around and if you’re just tuning in, it’s the Adam Gold show, Tim Donnelly here sitting in for Adam Gold. Uh, the news that broke right about the start of the show right about noon is that the Carolina Panthers will not be playing Bryce Young in Thursday’s preseason opener. You just heard some audio from Dave Canalis where he said they’re still deciding on what to do for the next week and the next week, I think this plan should have been hammered out and, and maybe it is and Dave Canalis is just playing a little coy, he’s playing a little possum with us and he knows how everything he expects to break. Like to me when you are an offensive minded head coach hired with pretty much a mandate to figure out a way to make Bryce Young work. Right? The reason why Dave Canalis is the head coach of the, the Carolina Panthers is because of his history in the room that helps, uh, reclaim the career of Geno Smith. And then his, his role as the offensive coordinator that turned Baker Mayfield in from the, the player we saw in Carolina to a player that just signed $100 million extension. Like that is why Dave Canalis is here. They got in it. They brought in a uh bar rescue only. It’s like quarterback rescue guy to help Bryce Young reach his potential when that is the reason you’re there. How is it two days before the preseason game? And you’re still deciding if your quarterback is gonna play, wouldn’t that be a plan that you spent hours and hours, days and days, maybe weeks and weeks going over? What would be best for Bryce throughout the, the off-season? And now it’s just about staying on track and, and, and executing that plan and I’m not saying you can’t be fluid and change, right? I’m not saying you can’t go actually, you know what he needs this or he needs that. Seeing him in training camp, here’s what we think like you can pivot but it shouldn’t be, you’re going back and forth. It should be, we have a plan and you’re just making a decision whether to deviate from that plan or not. Well, talk about staying consistent, Tim is someone who played quarterback? Maybe you can answer this question. Does this throw off your routine a little bit? If you’re bright, you have had him four days of practice. They’re gonna take tomorrow off, I believe, to travel up to New England, but now he has to sit an extra two days now between practice and then not playing at all. Thursday night. Does that, does that throw you off a little bit as a QB? Um, the preseason is always kind of wonky once you get into the regular season where every Monday is the same, every Tuesday is the same every Wednesday. Then if suddenly you’re getting thrown off, right? Like a Thursday night game can kind of make it weird for you. A Monday night game can kind of make it weird for you. A trip overseas, can kind of make it weird for you. Um, and in training camp, you’re just, you don’t even know what day it is. You’re just showing up wherever the coaches want you to be. So I don’t think it like, that’s kind of what the, the decision is by not playing him. You guarantee yourself no negative effects, right? He’s not gonna get hurt. Ok. That’s, that’s the, the main logic. I, I don’t think you’re risking what you said, like throwing off a rhythm if he doesn’t get into play Right. He’ll be the guy with the, the earphone in on the sideline talking like he’ll still be read of the offense. But you are also by taking away every negative effect. You’re also taking away really any chance for him to improve. Right. He’s not going to be more ready week one because he didn’t play. Right. He won’t be any less ready than he is right now. You’re not, you’re not risking anything as far as taking steps back, but you’re passing up the opportunity to potentially step forward. All right, go out there, have a great day offense looks crisp. Uh, bada boom, bada bang. Now all of a sudden the entire vibe of training camp changes, Bryce Young second year, that’s building up a little momentum like that’s what you’re, you’re risking. And I think that’s important not to mention and I will say this until I am blue in the face. Reps are important to young quarterbacks and, and young, like 25 years and younger and I’ll go down to like seven year olds like reps are important to young quarterbacks if, if, if you are in high school right now and you are maybe a sophomore and the coach approaches you and says, hey, you’re good enough to be our varsity backup quarterback where you get to practice with the best kids in, in school or you could go be the starter on JV where you won’t get to wear the varsity uniform you won’t get to walk around on game day with the letterman’s jacket and have everybody go. Oh, are you going to the away game at? So, and so high school, but you’ll start on JV and you’ll play every game. Pick the reps. Young quarterbacks need reps, Bryce Young last year again. I’m kind of giving him like the, the hands off. Do what you want. Move. Right. Because last year was so much out of his control that went so, so wrong. It’s also fair to say that he didn’t look like a finished product last year, right? It’s also fair to say that he didn’t look like a guy who, who’s like, I’m good, you know, who actually did look like that at times last year CJ Stroud and guess who’s playing in the first preseason game CJ Stroud and who won offensive rookie of the year last season, broke a bunch of records and has, uh, you know, is getting Tank Dell back from injury and getting Stefon Diggs out of, out of, uh, uh, what was that? A trade free agency, whatever you wanna call it. Uh, Joe Mixon is being added to the offense like they’re getting vets and getting healthier and CJ Stroud’s still playing. I lean that way over the way that the, uh, the Panthers are leaning here. Uh, go ahead one last thing to, well, we do have some more sound from Dave Canalis again. Thank you to Dennis Cox. He’s working behind the scenes here to get this in. This is Dave Canal is discussing if Bryce SC will get a fair read of the offense while not playing the first preseason opener, not the way Jack’s been playing. So that’s the cool part is I’m excited about that and we brought in Jake Luton as well. A guy that’s been around a couple of different teams. I was with him in Seattle for a little bit. So a guy that knows how to play football and function, that’s what we really needed, um, to feel good about the evaluation and how important that is, you know. So, um, we brought him in, we’re working him into some of the wording. Some of it’s the same, a little bit different and some, but we gotta make sure our cadence is right. So we can just get the play started. Um, and he’s, he’s really sharp and so I’m, I’m glad he’s here and he’s gonna give us that ability to evaluate our guys. Let’s talk about that quickly. That’s the other part of Bryce Young not playing is now every other quarterback gets bumped up the depth chart, right. Andy Dalton’s already hurt, so he’s not playing now. Bryce Young’s not playing. Uh, it sounds like from that sound bite. Jake or Jack Plummer need to be clear there. Jack Plummer, not Jake Plummer. Jake Plummer. I think he’s got a mushroom farm somewhere in the Midwest right now. Uh, but it was a long, uh, long time NFL quarterback, Jake the Snake, uh, Jack Plummer looks like he’ll move into the and I don’t believe they’re related. Uh, we’ll move into the starting role and Jake Luton will, will back him up. Um, that is more difficult to evaluate the rest of your roster. Yeah, when he was bringing up the comments about evaluating, I was like, we’re evaluating Jack Plummer here, Jake. Well, yes, I mean, every time a quarterback steps on the field, you’re, you’re being evaluated in the NFL. But like if you’re a wide receiver, say you are, um, trying to like Emir Smith Marcet and you, you, you kind of feel like you’ve established yourself as some kind of a returner, but you want a bigger role in the offense. You’re out there trying to run routes and, and get open and have offensive success. If the quarterback can’t help you do that, you can’t showcase your, your ability. There is a certain base level of play you need at quarterback in order to know if anyone else is doing their job right. Quarterback’s not seeing it. He’s holding the ball for five seconds. Offensive line is gonna give up a lot of, uh, a lot of sacks that’s not necessarily their fault, right? Wide receivers if they walk away with no catches, but they were open a few times and, and, and the quarterback misses them. That’s not necessarily the wide receivers fault. I like Jake Luton coming in as their, their player because he is a guy with NFL experience. He’s played in real NFL games. He has experience in Dave Canalis offense. So he’s not exactly starting from, from square zero. he is, uh, he had some experience out there in Seattle, also played with Carolina last year, so has some experience with the players on the roster. Um I just don’t know how much you can judge the rest of the offense when Jack Plummer is out there. No disrespect to Jack Plummer. He was really good at Louisville, right? We watched a lot of him in the AC C. He was a really good player, but he’s an undrafted rookie free agent. Imagine being a, uh, wide receiver or a tight end trying to make the team and you feel like you need to open some eyes in the first preseason game, especially knowing the Panthers have the first waiver pick because they finished dead last last year, which means when cuts start happening on other teams, the Panthers get first pick of all of those guys to add to their roster. So the end of the Panthers roster is on shaky ground because you’re competing against everybody that gets cut from every other team in the NFL. You feel like you gotta make a, a, a splash. You went from playing with maybe Andy Dalton or heck maybe even getting some reps with Bryce Young. So suddenly you’re going, Jake Luton got on our, our practice field, like yesterday and now I gotta be on the same page with him on Thursday. Yeah. Doesn’t that throw out the whole consistency and chemistry of the offense right now? It’s, it’s, it’s just, it’s a really tough situation for everybody involved to get a true evaluation. Is that wide receiver not making plays or is that wide receiver not being given the chance to make plays? It’s not the easiest thing to discern, right? Was there timing off or was the quarterback’s timing off? But, but I do like the Luton Luton hire, I, I just think higher. That’s a weird way to put it signing because I think in, you know, with knowing Andy Dalton’s gonna be back in a week, week and a half, whatever it’s gonna be, you didn’t want to bring in Ryan Tannehill or some of these other bigger names that were available because you don’t have to, uh, but you did need somebody that’s an NFL quarterback for all of the reasons we just mentioned. So Luton kind of threads that needle nicely and has some, uh, some experience with, with Dave Canalis offense. I just don’t think I’d like to put as much responsibility preseason, week one on his plate as, uh, as it looks like they’re going to do. That seems, um, a little aggressive to me
