Panthers Playbook: Emergency reaction to the Panthers selecting Xavier Legette ::

All right, Chris, we weren’t anticipating making one of these today, but when you trade up into the first round, you get a special podcast for those who don’t know, you might be waking up to the Ds because you thought, you know what, I’m going to go to bed, early night, Carolina Panthers aren’t picking, guess what? They moved up from pick 33 to 32 with the Buffalo. Bills have moved down from 28 to 32 on the previous trade and they get their guys. You have your leg at the wide receiver, Chris, I’m not gonna lie. I dig it. I’m for it. Your guy was there, you went up and you win it, you went up there and you got him. I absolutely love it, man. I can’t wait to talk about this. Well, ok, and, and the details of the trade, the Panthers went from pick 33 up to pick 32. They also gave up 1/5 round pick this year, but they also got 1/6 round pick in return. So the total number of picks that the Panthers have this year doesn’t change, it doesn’t change. So you basically, you swapped 5th and 6th and you moved up one spot. That’s it. That’s all it was. That’s the reason why I like it. That’s really the reason why I like it. I am 100% with you. Um It was one of those things where you come into this draft without a first, you come into this draft without 1/6 you have 2/5 you have two seconds and so you, you essentially just kind of spread those things out and end up. Now you will pick in every round, but you don’t lose a pick. That’s one of the reasons why I like it. Another reason why I like this is because it shows just how smart Dan Morgan is and what he’s thinking about and what he’s considering here’s something I was thinking about. So I was driving home from work, right? As this was happening, I, I literally connect uh my youtube TV to my Bluetooth. I’m not looking, I’m just listening, hearing what’s happening, hearing what they’re saying on ESPN and all that good stuff. And I happened to look down at my phone after the last pick and then all of a sudden I said, wait a minute, why, why is the Panthers logo in the back? They hadn’t announced it on television yet. And so I go look at my other phone and I see that the Panthers, I get, you know, Twitter updates on, on my work phone, Panthers traded up into the first round. Wait a second. I was heated. At first, I was like, don’t tell me you got rid of a pick. So I had, I had to wait till I got to a stoplight to look and see what happened. But then I started thinking about just kind of like the, the order of kind of how things ended up happening today. The Buffalo Bills initially had the 28th pick and then uh the, the, the Kansas City chiefs had 32. They moved up to 28. So the chiefs did uh to switch to Buffalo so they could get Xavier worthy. Why? From Texas? And then, you know, you have the Bills go back down to 32. And now Dan Morgan, who’s familiar with the Bills, who worked with Brandon Bean, who understands what they may be looking for, who knows they lost Stefan Diggs who saw all the different uh wide receivers come off the board said, ok, let me call up my homeboy and see what’s gonna go on really quick because I don’t want to lose out on my guy. We have already like said that this is our guy. We’ve already spotlighted him and said this is what we want. So let me just call him up really quick. What, what can we work out? I don’t want to lose a pick. All right, let’s do this. Bet we got it. It’s the, just the maneuvering Dan Morgan this off-season with what he’s done in free agency. The maneuvering right here just watching the board understanding what Buffalo may do because he’s been there and he’s worked with that guy and how do two teams trick Buffalo off their spot? You need a wide receiver homie. Exactly. Exactly. Well, they honestly, they might be like, well, we can accumulate a bunch, you know, much more picks and still get a really good wide receiver because there’s still quite a few of them left right there for Buffalo to take, but nonetheless, they didn’t necessarily add a pick themselves. It was just two pick swaps. Yeah. Well, I mean, I guess you’re moving up the board, I guess in theory that really what you’re doing, you’re moving up the board and maybe still the guy that you want, depending on who they wanted. But nonetheless, for Carolina, I was actually thinking when Buffalo made their move, I was like, man, there’s a lot of really good defensive players that have fallen. I was like, Cooper De Gene from Iowa. I was like, never thought he would fall into the second round. Kool Aid mckinstry, the cornerback from Alabama falling into the second round. I was thinking, hey, pick 33 they might go with a defensive player and then they can, you never know Leggett may still be there at 39 or at least, you know, Latt mcconkie, one of these guys is still gonna be there like, they might be able to get a top defensive player. Now, I’m looking at the board and looking at who’s left. I was like, well, crap, they can get one of these really good defensive players at 39 Chris. That’s what I’m thinking. I was like, wait, this actually might fall perfectly into what the Carolina Panthers are looking for. Things might work out perfectly. Yeah. And pick 39 33 34 35 36 37 3839. It’s only the seventh pick in the second round, right? So, like, you know, you, you’re talking about like now you have an opportunity to still get a really good player who, if you’re picking seventh pick in the second round, that’s still somebody who is a fringe first rounder and all of we talked about all of the, the offensive players that were taken. I don’t know, the final count off the top of my head right now because again, I was driving, uh, but 66 quarterbacks taken in the first round, wide receivers of offensive tackles. It was mostly mostly offense. You can get a top defensive player and you named off a few that, uh, could potentially fall right now and, and man, like the Panthers are in, are in good shape and I, I didn’t think I was going to be excited on Thursday night. Uh, well, now it’s a Friday morning that we’re recording this, uh, but good job for Dan Morgan being alert and, you know, going after his guy, but still like keeping the Panthers in play with, uh, all of their seven picks. I love it. I love it. I love it, you know. Yeah, just outstanding. And again, the fact that this isn’t what we saw last year with DJ Johnson words, hey, let’s use two picks to move up to get one guy that, that, that was a waste to pick. This isn’t, let’s give a future along with the current pick to move up to draft Matt Corral. This isn’t that move. This was, I’m still gonna keep my same total number of picks, but I’m gonna move up one spot to get my guy and I don’t lose again, that total number. They still got seven and they got into the first round and you know what? Walt is one of those things where I felt like Scott Fitterer, you know, he, he got Panthers fans excited because, you know, we didn’t really have like, you know, with, um Gettleman and with Marty Hearney, like those guys weren’t like, they weren’t like big trade guys, you know, they, they weren’t gonna like move up and down the board and, and so it was kind of sometimes like the Panthers drafts were kind of boring from the sense that there wasn’t a lot of extra excitement. They came in with the picks, they had, maybe they’d move down to get a couple but it wasn’t like anything crazy Scott Federer came in and was like, I’m gonna be on, in on every deal and the movement was exciting and it was like, oh snap, what is he doing? And, you know, you put out the, the, the meme with the little blue eyes and stuff like that. But at the end of the day, he wasn’t doing anything. It’s almost like that guy who’s on the basketball court who can like do all the great, you know, handles and everything, but he’s not really doing anything. He’s not scoring. He’s gonna end up turning the ball over because he’s just, he’s dribbling too much. That’s perfect. He’s dribbling all that way. He’s got the Kyrie handles but he ain’t got the Kyrie layup package. He’s gonna miss the layup. That was Scott Fitterer while my man, Dan Morgan says, no, I only need a bink, bink bink and I’m past you. Boom. Lay in. That’s all I need. I ain’t gotta sit here and dance on you. I’m gonna pop, pop, pop, get to my move. Get to my spot. I’m gonna make the shot and we’re gonna come back on defense. It’s a lot of Hamilton midrange baby just sinking them. That’s what it is. It’s what it is. Dan Morgan might already be my favorite. Panthers. Gm. Hey, there you go. Hey, Sam started, started. All right. Well, that’s a quick instant reaction from Chris and I, I know it’s late guys. We’re already into Friday, but leave your thoughts on the comments down below you like it. You love it. Who do you want to see them taken at pick 39? Let us know we’re gonna have a recap at the end of the draft. Just kind of going over all the selections of the Carolina Panthers have made. But nonetheless, they got into the pick pick 32 got into the first round Chris. I love it. I’ve enjoyed this quickie with you. Hope you have a good night. Hey, always here for a quick one with you, Chris. The rest of y’all. We’ll see you next time.