Panthers Playbook: Carolina drops opportunity at Philadelphia ::

I thought they were gonna pull it out at the end there, Chris, I thought they were gonna pull it out there at the end. Felt like they had the magic, felt like it was gonna happen. A few key mistakes. And here we are another Super Bowl contending team that the Carolina Panthers could have beaten and that team wasn’t the one that beat them. It was the Panthers beating themselves crazy rough day at the office for a few. We’ll dive into that. Let’s get this sucker started, get dialed in Panthers fans. Here comes an in depth. Look at your team exclusive interviews, locker room in sight. Let’s huddle up. Let’s just do it for Panthers Playbook driven by Carolina Ford Dealers. Here are your hosts, Dennis Cox and Chris Lee. Welcome back to another episode of Panthers Playbook. That’s Chris Lee, Dennis Cox here with you. Leave your thoughts on the 2216 loss to the Philadelphia Eagles by the Carolina Panthers. But before we get into the breakdown, Chris Carolina Ford Dealers is your sponsor of Panthers Playbook with a Ford F 150 on your team. It’s game on see your Carolina Ford dealer today. Chris, rough day at the office for a few Xavier ligue. Oh, bad, bad, bad day, bad day for that young man. Bad day. Call it what it is. Yeah. I mean, if we break down why the Carolina Panthers lost in this game, it has nothing to do with the Philadelphia. Uh, if I was gonna call it Flyers. Philadelphia Beagles. I’m in hockey mode. But, um, uh, you know, the Flyers also couldn’t have helped out anything at all, but, um, they really get with some key crucial drops, uh, especially the one that would have been a touchdown, uh, right there at the end. Uh, also the operation, we’ve said this before when Bryce Young wasn’t playing the best operation doesn’t seem to go as smooth. We had some delay of game penalties. We had some times where the Carolina Panthers had to take some time outs to save those delay of game penalties. Um, so you got in a situation where late in the game where you probably needed at least one or two timeouts, you didn’t have them because, uh, of the mismanagement of the clock, uh, early on and then also just the one interception. I’m not mad about it, but we also said on the last podcast that, um, you know, Bryce Young is gonna have some great moments and he has some amazing moments in this game. I’m not taking anything from him at all, but he also threw the interception because, uh, that is just going to happen, not upset with it. But if you, if you whittle it down to the three things, the three reasons is why this team lost. Um, I think you can bring it to those three things right there. And, um, you know, and I think not a negative thing, this is a step up for this team because for the last year and a half, uh, since the beginning of last season when they’ve gotten beat, they’ve been getting beat by just the other team just being far superior. Now, you’re going against the Chiefs, you’re going against the Tampa Bay Bucks. Tampa Bay Bucks may not even make the playoffs, but, you know, uh, you gave that game away and you’re going against the Philadelphia Eagles, two of those three teams has a really good chance of making it to the Super Bowl and two of those three teams have been in the Super Bowl. Actually, all of those teams have been in the Super Bowl recently and, and you, uh, really had the opportunity to win those, those three games. Now, we’re at the point to where the Panthers fix the little things you’re winning. You, it’s, it’s the difference between your, your record now and having three more wins and being six and, you know, whatever it is right now. Yeah, there are definitely some small things that definitely had a large impact. I know. Yeah, six and seven which will probably put you at the top of the division right now. But that’s, but then again, this is what a young, young team I say young as in first year, head coach, second year quarterback, a lot of young pieces that you’re trying to build around. This is something that these are part of the growing pains. These are part of the growing pains going through games like this. But on the drive where Tuba Hubard scores a touchdown makes it 1614, Eddie Pinheiro, you missed left again. But anyway, besides that, I never bought into the most accurate kicker thing, never bought into it. But on that drive, you had to call time out to save a delay, a game penalty. But then you also use the time out on the challenge which I thought Tuba Hubbard was in on the, on the challenge by Dave Canalis. I looked and I was like, oh, he’s in, it’s another situation where the camera angles don’t help you out. Exactly. But I was like, but it looked like he was in again. The whole thing has to be indisputable, all the evidence and all that stuff. I actually thought it was a good challenge. I was like, wait, oh, he, he’s actually he is in, but he ends up scoring on the next play anyway. So that burned two timeouts on that one drive right there and then you used one late to kind of save the clock to put yourself in position to try and drive late in the game. But man, nice to have one more. For example, when Bryce Young scrambled on that final drive picked up three yards but doesn’t get out of bounds, the clock keeps ticking. So there were some few different things and I also thought maybe it was on Cade Mays on some of this as well in terms of like the delay of games and the late snaps because you saw Bryce clapping his hands like, let’s go, let’s go, let’s go. Let’s go. Let’s go. And I don’t know what Cade Mays is. I’m like, all right, let’s all right. Well, there’s a, there’s a middle one backer could, couldn’t be loud in the link though. Yeah. So that, that could be it as well. That could be also the problem as well. It’s not all just on Bryce again. There’s the guys got to snap the ball too and, and, but a lot of it too is like, you know, yeah, there may be some things with Kate Mays. We have the benefit of hearing it because of the, the microphones they use on the sidelines so we can hear it right, just because they’re a couple of yards away from each other. He may not even hear that because of just how loud it is in there. But then, uh also it, it, I’m the, you look and it was consistently like that. Uh huddle is being broken around, like, you know, 87 seconds left in the play clock. Right. Like, to me, I think you’d want to safely try to start lining up between 12 and 15, make all the shifts and adjustments that you need. So you can still, you know, uh, you know, get the playoff and, uh, that was like a consistent thing. So, you know, yeah, it, it may be a few on K Mays but I, I’m wondering what’s happening between, uh, Bryce Young and Dave Canal. It’s not in a bad way, but like, you know, what’s, what’s the, how’s the communication breaking down between you two? Because again, when, uh, Andy Dalton was in and, and I’m not asking for Andy Dalton to come back in at all, but when Andy Dalton was in, we didn’t have those issues. Uh, but I, I want to go back to this key moment as well back to the interception. Uh, the, the game starts off slow four punts in a row. Then the Panthers take the early lead. Philadelphia comes back, answers with a touchdown. Panthers answer with a touchdown and then the defense gets a stop a three and out. Right. And so then there’s a, there’s a, an amazing opportunity right here. That’s where the interception comes in and Philadelphia takes the lead, uh, and, um, you know, and, and essentially, they, you know, the Panthers took the lead a little bit later in the third, but essentially, that’s kind of where I think the game kind of turned in Philly’s favor because then they, they scored the touchdown. There’s only a few seconds left in the half. So the Panthers, uh, take the kneel down and then Philly comes back in, um, with a, a longer drive as they get the ball first in the third quarter, they didn’t score there, uh, because they’re having Phil, you know, kicker issues as well with the missed field goal. That could have been, excuse me, an extra three for them. Um But that was an opportunity right there. Um And again, not upset with Bryce, these are learning opportunities and these are, you know, II I love the fact I’d much rather him throw that interception right there down the field because he’s being aggressive and he’s trusting himself, he’s trusting his receivers versus throwing interceptions behind the line of scrimmage to all the off of screen attempts, right? They’re going back for a big six. He trusted his, his wide receiver one that’s Adam Thin. He kept going back, he kept going back to that, which by the way, like Adam Thiele, Adam, bro, dude, bro, dude, get out. I think, I think uh what’s my man jt o’sullivan? I think jt o’sullivan is actually gonna like Adam Thiele this week. He should in this one. But on that pass to the, on the interception, the it’s overthrown, it was just an overthrow by Bryce didn’t see the safety coming over it, it, it was an interception was bound to happen. It’s, it’s the NFL it’s going to happen. But Xavier Liget had a rough, rough day today, had some bad drops, including the one that Bryce threw on like on a perfect spot on a deep post. It’s like lit. You got to come up with that ball like that would have put you at least tied the game, who knows what happened on the extra point, but at least you got to give yourself a chance and Bryce put it right there for you XL make the play. There’s a gosh, the, I don’t know if it was maybe that first drive of the game where he, that slant pass where the ball hit him in the chest and he got blown up by the, by the safety by Gardner Johnson and he got the ball got knocked out and he was kind of slow getting up. I don’t know if that just gave him like, I don’t know the, the yips for the rest of the game. I’m not entirely sure. But man, you think that your first round pick, wide receiver will come up with a play or two? I know there was that one on third down Panthers were basically in their own end zone on that final drive where price scrambled to his left and finally get for that 30 yard completion. I was like, oh, ok, awesome love to see it but drop and then they had another drop. It’s like, dude, like come on, like your first round pick, make these plays, man, make these plays. They’re right there for you. This is the first time where like for me now I’m looking at um you know Xavier to get with the side eye. You know, there’s been, we’ve seen a couple of plays a couple of games so far uh in the past before this game where in key crucial, second half, third quarter, fourth quarter situations that he should have the ball and he doesn’t end up having the ball right, whether he’s just simply just dropping it or he’s got it and somehow or another, it’s just snatched from him uh in, in certain situations from, from AD V. Um And then in this case, like that could have been a potential game winning touchdown, uh that touchdown would have actually tied the game. So then we’re, you know, counting on Eddie Peno to uh hit the extra point, which isn’t, you know, a given these days. Uh But, you know, I would bet that that would have happened, you know, the extra point would have been hit. Um And so this is one of the things like I haven’t, I’m not giving up on Xavier League get at all. Neither am I I will say I like about him more than Jonathan Mingo is the fact that one Xavier League get gets open. He’s got the tools there. Like the, one of the, one of the knocks on him, one of the, you know, question marks around him was, can he run the routes? He’s been getting open clearly, he can run the routes right now. He just has to, to take a Dave canal’s word finish. Likes like it’s really that simple. So in the off season, you gotta be on the jugs machine, bro, you gotta uh have somebody on, you get a friend, you know, have JC Horn slap your arms a little bit as you’re making these catches and, uh, and, and, and really like train yourself to really look in these, these catches and so you can hold on to it and make these plays because you were drafted at a, at a key first round position, you’re gonna be counting on now. I do think I never thought that he was the number one or had the possibility of being a number one, maybe a one. A uh but I think he could be a solid two. I, I think the Carolina Panthers in the off season definitely need to go find uh a wide receiver one. Um But while we’re here, uh you have a lot of opportunity to get better, bro. And, uh I, again, I’m, I haven’t given up on him. I don’t think I’m close to giving up on him because the talent is there. He just has to commit himself to, to learning how to bring those balls in. Pause. Major Pauls, uh you mentioned JC Horn went out growing injury did not return. Jonathan Brooks non contact, just kind of goes down. I was just like, yeah, I was like, 000, not good. And Raheem Blackshear went down very beginning of the game too, so they were down two of their running backs already. I mean, I mean, Tuba Hubbard played the whole freaking game basically like props to you young man and you know what, he put some hard, tough running in today as well, just 92 yards, but still 26 carries as well. Also caught a few passes and, and overall, I thought he was pretty effective today. He had four, so he had 30 total touches. He had four catches today as well, had over 100 yards total, had a touchdown. So, I mean, had to put a lot on, on him just because you didn’t have Brooks, you didn’t have black shear to lean on during the course of this game. I was surprised that we didn’t see more of Dean Sanders was just about to bring him up. I was surprised we didn’t see more of him. He only had one target today. I was like, you know what, I thought they were gonna, hey, you can go. No huddle didn’t necessarily go two minute in terms of tempo, but you can go no huddle and go to tight end. So you can have the balance of, hey, we can run or pass out of any of these two tight end sets that you wanted to do out of the 12 personnel. I’m surprised we didn’t see that more. I was like you can use Sanders and tremble in this game and then have Lee get and have thin out there along with in the backfield. I thought we were going to see more of that. I don’t know if the fact that all the running backs went down changed the game plan, but I was surprised we did not see Jadeveon Sanders featured in the passing game more than we did today. That was shocking to me if, if I’m taking a quick guess because we’re recording this as, uh Dave Kalus is talking uh postgame. So maybe this game, this is answered. But if I’m just taking a guess based off of uh his history, it feels like, uh Dave Canals when guys come in from an injury and they’re, they’re coming back that he kind of slow rolls them in it. It’s almost like we just kind of want to get you back used to the game speed before we really put you in a situation where we’re really putting everything on your shoulders. So I’m thinking maybe that’s one of the things, um, Mark Sanchez called out something really good on the one target in the first quarter. I want to say it was, uh where he was wide over. It could have been a large game for the Carolina Panthers where he simply kind of stopped on the route and start backing up towards the ball. Like if you just keep running and you just don’t stop, I guess he just wasn’t sure what Bryce Young was doing, but Bryce Young was trying to follow him where he was supposed to go and was going to hit him if he just would have kept running. And, uh, he was passed the D BS and everything like that. He just happens to turn around and starts backing up and then it’s over his head and he doesn’t have it. So that’s, um, we, we’re seeing some rookie mistakes from Liget from Javi and Sanders. Um, it’s fine. Tho I think those guys will be ok at the end of the day, right? Um, but, you know, these are some of the growing pains we’re gonna have to go through. We’re going through some growing pains with the rookie head coach. He’s also calling plays at the same time for only the second year, uh, of his career where he’s calling plays. So, um, there’s some growing pains with everybody. The main thing is this team did not get, get the doors blown off of him. I thought that Taquan Barkley had a great game. It could have been worse, it could have been, could have been worse and I’m glad that it was where it was right, like I’ll take it if, if he’s only gonna get, uh, 100 and 24 yards, would I expected him to get 150 plus? All right, cool. You, you know, you normally would not like to see 100 and 24. Uh, and also on, what, 20 KK, 6.2 per Kry Yikes, um, I’m glad it wasn’t worse. Uh, the defense came, stepped up and played, got some sacks today. Shout outs to them. Let’s go shout outs to the defense, uh, doing their job. Uh, for the most part, I still think the tackling could be, um, a lot better and, uh, there’s some, there’s definitely a lot to address, uh, in the off season, but I listen, there’s not a lot of bad notes here. It’s, it’s really like clock operation, figuring that out. Um, Xavier Le gap with the drops and, uh, the interception, that’s what it comes down to. This is why they lost. It has nothing to do with anything that Philly did. You know, I will say this thought Carolina actually had a pretty good game plan going into this one. The Eagles only had eight possessions in this game. I’m not counting the one where they took a knee at the very end. I’m not, I’m not counting that eight real possessions in this game. That’s it. Carolina had more time of possession. There were about 33.5 minutes of time of possession. So about 12 minutes more than what the Eagles had. They also ran a lot more plays total than what the Eagles had as well. Philadelphia only ran 56 plays. Carolina 69. Nice. I like that. But the game plan I thought was because you limited the amount of opportunities where the Eagles could beat you in terms of just keeping them off the field. They controlled the game. I thought, in terms of tempo and just time of possession as a whole, I thought that was a good game plan going in. They shortened the game and they gave themselves a chance to win it at the end. And you could say that they should have, you could say that they should have, yeah, as simple as that. But you know what, like you said, Chris growing pains, growing pains for this team. But, you know, this is, uh this is one of those but still growth. This is still one of those encouraging signs though, like, uh at the beginning of this year when the Saints did what they did against our team and when the Chargers did what they did against our team, you could not have told me that once we got here to December 8th, going against the Philadelphia Eagles, right? That, that game would not look like that. Like the Eagles, we’ve seen the Eagles like beat up on other teams that would probably be considered better than the Carolina Panthers. And, um, and that’s not what happened today. Um, you know, shout outs to the Carolina Panthers for, for doing what, uh, doing a really good job. And then Dave Canal is like, again, I don’t wanna pow on him. I think he’s done a really good job. We talked about the clock operation, but outside of that, if you look at the two touchdown drives. Mhm. On those two touchdown drives, they ga gave a steady run diet to Tuba Hubbard and it’s like it works, it works. You have more yards than the Eagles. You had the larger time of possession as you pointed out. Like in all aspects, you sh you should have and could have won this game. You lost the turnover battle. Uh, so that’s a, that’s, you know, one of the takeaways from that, uh, literally a takeaway, but, uh, man, Dave Canalis stepping up great, you know, game plan, uh, keeping the ball in your possession, running the ball. Um, I, I wonder, I wonder, and they went it forward on fourth down. I wonder what everything would have looked like if, uh, Jonathan Brooks didn’t go down injured because the first play of the game you saw the two back set and I was just like, ok, they’re playing with something right now, you know, that they’re, they’re working some stuff out with that and I can’t wait to see. Hopefully it’s not too bad of an injury. Um, if he has to be shut down for the rest of the year and we can just like, you know, reconvene next year. Cool. I can’t wait to see what they’re trying to work with on that, that two back set because man, that’s gonna be amazing. Time will tell. Didn’t see Jalen Coker today dealing with the quad injury. So yeah, it’s, it’s amazing how we thought guys, hey, we’re getting healthier, we’re getting healthier and then all of a sudden more injuries start happening once again. But such is life, Chris such is life but you know what something you can always guarantee something you can count on is Carolina Ford Dealer with a Ford F 150 on your team is game on. So your Carolina Ford Dealer today, Chris on to the next one. All right, we’ll see what happens. Cowboys next. Listen, I talked about teams that the Eagles beat that were considered to be better than the Panthers. They, they beat up on the Cowboys. I’m just not, I’m not gonna take the transitive property, but if you do right, Panther should win next week. You know what, last time we did? Let me hold off, let me hold off, let me hold off, let me hold off, let me hold that. Ok, we’ll see you guys on Thursday. But