Extra Effort: Green Level's Kat Geiser always "right there" for her teammates

Extra Effort: Green Level’s Kat Geiser always “right there” for her teammates

One guarantee when you go to a Green Level High School softball game – you’re going to hear senior Kat Geiser.

“Loud. I am constant energy, I love being out on the field,” Geiser said.

She brings that energy to the game and to her teammates.

“If anyone is on the bench and needs a pickup, I’ll be over there in seconds, I strive being the loudest out here,” she said.

“Kat is one of the bubbliest girls I have met,” head coach Alexandria Connelly said.

TRACK: Head coach Alexandria Connelly sees it every day… the relationships Geisier builds with her team.

“Just that friend, they need someone, even if they haven’t known her, within that first week of practice, they’re like, ‘who can I go to?’ Kat Geisier, she’s right there,” Connelly said.

In the classroom, Geiser is heading to NC State in the fall. She’s pursuing a career in biomedical engineering. Geiser says she loves the challenge of problem solving and the opportunity to help others.

“Trying to figure out ways to help people heal faster from certain wounds, so we can get rid of stitches and stuff like that, make it more efficient rather than something that sits.”

Because that’s just who she wants to be, someone that makes things better for those around her.

“She is really that player that coaches say I want nine of them, I want ten of them, I want a whole team of them. Getting to know her as a student, as an athlete, as an individual herself, is definitely someone I want to surround myself with all the time.

And that’s why Kat Geiser is this week’s winner of the Tom Suiter Extra Effort Award.

Source: highschoolot.com