Emerson Thompson's determination leads her from Falls Lake Academy to Campbell University.

Emerson Thompson’s determination leads her from Falls Lake Academy to Campbell University.

Engage in conversation with the coaches and administrators at Falls Lake Academy and they will provide intriguing descriptions of senior and girls’ basketball standout, Emerson Thompson.

“She’s the greatest of all time!”

“For the past four years, it has been widely recognized who holds the number 13 position here.”

“If I had to choose just one word… Emerson is exceptional.”

With over 2,000 points and 1,000 rebounds in her career, along with numerous victories for the Firebirds, she has been recruited by Campbell University and will join their basketball team in the upcoming fall semester.

Assistant coach Morgan Oakley expressed her admiration for focusing on her, as she doesn’t, and acknowledged her deserving credit due to her exceptional performance on the court.

Thompson has consistently been a top performer academically at Falls Lake, not just on the court. This has been her consistent status for a significant amount of time.

According to Falls Lake Academy Athletics Director Weston Pearson, she has consistently excelled as a student and athlete for the past six to seven years.

Thompson expressed that the relationships and memories formed in both the gym and classroom hold great significance and value to them. They have found deep meaning in these connections and experiences.

There is much to boast about, but allow others to spread the word. This includes her father, who also serves as the head coach.

According to Brad Thompson, she prioritizes others and is always trying to help them improve, never seeking anything for herself.

This also extends to the community, where Thompson and the rest of the team have generously contributed their time to organizations such as The Ronald McDonald House and the Masonic Home for Children at Oxford, gathering supplies, particularly during the holiday season.

Assistant coach Jeff Teal expressed his admiration for her character, stating that she is the type of individual you would want your children and family to spend time with. He eagerly anticipates witnessing her successful future, both on and off the basketball court.

Therefore, Emerson Thompson has been chosen as the recipient of this week’s Tom Suiter Extra Effort Award.

Source: highschoolot.com