Boosting Excellence: The Impact of Proper Nutrition on Optimizing Athletic Achievement

Boosting Excellence: The Impact of Proper Nutrition on Optimizing Athletic Achievement

If you are a top-performing athlete, a student athlete preparing for a football or track event, or just someone looking to add more physical activity into your routine, proper nutrition is crucial for both pre-workout preparation and post-workout recovery.

Kennie Apilli, a strength and conditioning coach at D1 Training Holly Springs, explained that our bodies undergo a constant cycle of cell death and regeneration. This process occurs from the moment we are born until the end of our lives. But how do we maintain a good quality of life as we age? The key is to nourish our bodies with the necessary nutrients to support movement and cell rebuilding.

Food as fuel

According to Apilli, food serves as both fuel and medicine for the body, constantly replenishing cells. While movement triggers cellular regeneration for all individuals, personalized nutrition plans are necessary.

Apilli explained that not properly expending the calories consumed due to a sedentary job can harm one’s body. On the other hand, if someone has a physically demanding job like being a landscaper, not consuming enough calories can also be detrimental to their body.

This also applies to athletes, as many of them may require an increase in their food intake.

Bryer Rogers, head coach at D1 Training Holly Springs, stated that a common problem among athletes and individuals in general is not consuming sufficient food to support their physical activity and maintain energy levels.

Athletes who do not consume adequate nutrition will become fatigued early on during their exercise routine, therefore they must prepare themselves for success.

According to Rogers, children should plan ahead by considering their daily schedule, including practice times, meal times, and food choices. Athletes should aim to eat five meals a day to sustain their high level of physical activity and replenish the calories they burn with nutritious foods.

Types of food

The amount of movement a person engages in should determine their caloric intake, however the quality of food is also crucial. For instance, consuming lean protein is a crucial step in providing the body with necessary nutrients – protein powders and creatine can also aid in preparing for workouts – while carbohydrates are essential for athletes.

According to Rogers, carbohydrates serve as our primary source of energy and are essential to have. They can be found in numerous foods and it is common to consume too many of them. Due to their presence in many beloved foods, there is a misconception that carbs are unhealthy.

According to him, consuming a grain source that is easy to digest about 1.5 hours before a workout can provide fuel for the training session.

According to Apilli, individuals should be mindful of how their bodies react to various foods and macronutrients such as protein, carbohydrates, and fat, as everyone’s needs may differ.

Each individual’s body metabolizes nutrients in its own unique way,” he explained. “Ultimately, your body will determine what works for you. It’s important to be mindful of the food groups and how your body digests them.”

Hydration during workouts

In conclusion, it is crucial to stay hydrated and continue to drink plenty of water.

Apilli emphasized the importance of staying hydrated. Sadly, as a society or species, we tend to only take action when our bodies are already suffering from dehydration. We falsely believe that everything is fine until we feel thirsty, but by then, we are already behind in caring for our bodies.

To obtain additional details on training or to register for a complimentary session, please visit D1 Training Holly Springs.
