11 sea turtles that were previously cold-stunned have been released back into the Atlantic Ocean after receiving rehabilitation in Florida.

11 sea turtles that were previously cold-stunned have been released back into the Atlantic Ocean after receiving rehabilitation in Florida.

Eleven Kemp’s ridley sea turtles that were cold-stunned have been released back into the Atlantic Ocean by employees of Clearwater Marine Aquarium in Florida.

The aquarium announced on Thursday that the turtles, who had been undergoing rehabilitation for two months, were recently set free near Cape Canaveral. The group of 16 turtles originally came from the New England Aquarium in Massachusetts and arrived at the Tampa Bay facility in December. The remaining five turtles are still being treated.

“We are pleased to announce that 11 of our Kemp’s ridley turtle patients have made a full recovery and have been approved for release by both our team and the Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission,” stated Dr. Shelly Marquardt. “All 11 are now ready to return to their natural habitat along the east coast of Florida in the warmer waters of the Atlantic Ocean.”

Each year, a large number of sea turtles in Cape Cod Bay, Massachusetts experience hypothermia and extreme weakness due to the colder waters. This is because these reptiles are unable to control their body temperatures as they are cold-blooded.

Facilities in the Northeast often work together to provide care for cold-afflicted turtles. In the recent winter, a group of 52 sea turtles were transported to Florida for treatment at Clearwater Marine Aquarium, Mote Marine Laboratory, Florida Aquarium, and Loggerhead Marine Life Center.

Source: wral.com