Science News

Researchers are providing an explanation for the unprecedented heat in 2023 that has caused concern among scientists. It is possible that the warming trend is exacerbating this heat.

The most recent computations from multiple scientific organizations depicting Earth breaking global temperature records in the previous year may appear alarming. However, researchers are concerned that the underlying causes of these figures could be even more concerning. The Associated Press conducted interviews and sent emails to over 30 scientists to gather insight on the significance

Science News

František Janouch, a Czech scientist specializing in nuclear physics, passes away at 92. He was known for his support of dissidents in Sweden.

František Janouch, a Czech scientist specializing in nuclear physics, has passed away at the age of 92. While living in exile, he established a foundation in Sweden to provide aid to the dissident movement in his native communist country. The Charter 77 Foundation said Janouch died on Friday morning in Sweden’s capital, Stockholm, where he

Technology News

Cellebrite has contributed artificial intelligence tools to non-profit organizations in order to expedite the search for missing children.

John Walsh, a well-known figure in the fight for missing children, and the familiar face of “America’s Most Wanted,” expressed his constant sense of being outnumbered by criminals, particularly in the legal system. The co-founder of the National Center for Missing & Exploited Children expressed surprise at the intelligence and sophistication of the defense lawyer

Science News

A group of abandoned settlements in the Amazon rainforest of Ecuador, which existed for 1,000 years, has been charted.

Researchers have discovered a group of forgotten settlements in the Amazon rainforest where approximately 10,000 farmers resided around 2,000 years ago. Archaeologist Stéphen Rostain first discovered a collection of earthen mounds and buried roads in Ecuador over twenty years ago. However, at the time, Rostain was uncertain of the connection between the various structures. This