What are the signs of a swollen prostate and what are the methods of treatment?

What are the signs of a swollen prostate and what are the methods of treatment?

The news of King Charles III’s admission to a private hospital on Friday for a procedure to treat his enlarged prostate has generated curiosity about this prevalent issue among older males.

The monarch, who is 75 years old, is among many others in the same situation. Approximately 50% of men in their 50s experience an enlargement of their prostate, and this percentage increases to over 80% for men who are 80 years old.

According to Dr. Stephen Nakada, a urologist at the University of Wisconsin, this is a typical outcome of the aging process.

Nakada compared it to developing gray hair.

An enlarged prostate may not always result in noticeable symptoms, but when it does, they can be bothersome. Additionally, some men may experience more difficulties than others.

Examining the state of benign prostatic hyperplasia, also referred to as BPH.

The prostate gland is involved in the male reproductive system, producing fluid for semen. Positioned beneath the bladder, it surrounds the urethra, which serves as the passage for both urine and semen through the penis.

Initially, it is not a form of cancer. The term “benign” in benign prostatic hyperplasia indicates that the prostate is not cancerous.

The exact reason for prostate growth is not fully understood, however it is likely influenced by hormonal shifts that occur as men get older.

Some signs of a swollen prostate may include frequent urination, multiple trips to the bathroom at night, difficulty initiating urination, and leakage after urination. Another common symptom is the inability to fully empty the bladder.

Physicians may initially recommend that patients refrain from consuming fluids after dinner. Antihistamines can exacerbate symptoms, as can the consumption of alcohol and caffeine.

Nakada suggests reducing the consumption of caffeine, alcohol, and spicy foods as a first step to improve the situation, as these substances can cause irritation in the bladder.

Physicians will inquire about any symptoms and medications. They will conduct a rectal examination to assess the size and shape of the prostate gland.

There are medications that can help to relax muscles and improve the flow of urine. Another type of medication can be utilized to prevent the enlargement of the prostate. Medications for erectile dysfunction can also assist with urine flow.

There is weak evidence to support the use of herbal remedies like saw palmetto.

Nakada stated that in his experience, saw palmetto only ends up being a financial burden for patients.

There are multiple methods for removing prostate tissue or expanding the urethra.

Various methods, such as utilizing laser beams, microwaves, ultrasound, electric current, or heated water, are employed. Another technique involves placing a stent to support the prostate and improve the passage of urine.

Additionally, there are surgical methods for removing tissue.

Possible rewording:

Every surgical procedure carries the risk of complications like bleeding and infections. Prostate surgery may lead to difficulties with urination or sexual function. In certain cases, minimally invasive surgeries may require additional treatments if symptoms recur.


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