Wendy Williams has been diagnosed with frontotemporal dementia. What does FTD stand for?

Wendy Williams has been diagnosed with frontotemporal dementia. What does FTD stand for?

On Thursday, a statement was released on behalf of Wendy Williams’ caretakers stating that she has been diagnosed with a type of dementia.

The 59-year-old ex-talk show host received a diagnosis of primary progressive aphasia and frontotemporal dementia last year after undergoing a series of medical tests, as stated in the announcement.

Examining the state, which also impacts the performer Bruce Willis.

Frontotemporal dementia, or FTD, is a rare disease that affects parts of the brain controlling behavior and language. These parts of the brain shrink as the disease gets worse.

Frontotemporal dementia typically presents itself in individuals between the ages of 40 and 60. It can impact one’s personality, resulting in a lack of restraint or socially unacceptable actions. Often, it is misdiagnosed as depression or bipolar disorder and may require a lengthy period of time to accurately identify.

Brenda Rapp, a cognitive scientist at Johns Hopkins University, stated that the diagnosis is very difficult to deliver. It is possible that you may be engaging in actions that are causing discomfort to others without realizing the reason behind it. Rapp noted that this can be frustrating for all parties involved.

Individuals with this condition commonly experience primary progressive aphasia, resulting in difficulties with language abilities. Those with this form of FTD may struggle with word retrieval and comprehending speech.

FTD is a condition that results from harm to neurons, the brain’s transmitters of information. The specific factors that lead to the condition are often unknown. Individuals with a family history of FTD are at a higher risk of developing it, but many people with FTD do not have a family history of dementia.

Unfortunately, there is currently no known remedy for FTD, however, there are methods for managing its effects. Those with the type of FTD that impacts language may receive speech therapy, while physical therapy may be recommended to enhance movement.

Certain individuals are prescribed antidepressant medication or medication for Parkinson’s disease, as there are some shared symptoms with FTD.

FTD can be a long illness, lasting two to 10 years. People with FTD will need caregiving or nursing support as their symptoms get worse.

“The illness will extend throughout the brain,” stated Rapp. “The speed at which this occurs is highly uncertain. Therefore, it is difficult to determine the rate of decline for an individual.”

Families may face a significant financial strain due to the expenses associated with caring for a loved one with Alzheimer’s disease. According to the Alzheimer’s Association, the average cost of out-of-pocket health and long-term care for someone with dementia is $10,000 per year.


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