French President Macron has declared the introduction of a law that permits 'assisted dying' under strict guidelines.

French President Macron has declared the introduction of a law that permits ‘assisted dying’ under strict guidelines.

French President Emmanuel Macron has revealed a new law that will make “aid in dying” legal, granting adults with terminal illnesses the option to receive lethal medication. This is a first for France.

A recent report showed that a majority of French citizens are in favor of legalizing end-of-life options, prompting the action to be taken.

In a recent conversation with French publications La Croix and Liberation, Macron stated that the proposed legislation would only apply to adults with a terminal illness who are experiencing severe and untreatable physical or psychological agony and are expected to pass away in the near future.

According to Macron, the legislation will provide “an available route in specific circumstances, with distinct requirements, where the decision of medical professionals is significant.”

He cited an instance of individuals with advanced cancer, some of whom have resorted to seeking end-of-life options abroad.

Individuals 18 years old and older who are able to think for themselves will be permitted to participate, excluding those with severe mental illnesses and degenerative neurological disorders such as Alzheimer’s disease, as specified by Macron.

According to Macron, individuals desiring to begin the procedure must confirm their decision within 48 hours. Within a maximum of two weeks, they will then receive a response from a medical team. A doctor will then provide a prescription for the lethal medication, which is valid for three months.

According to Macron, individuals will have the option to consume the medication at their residence, a nursing home, or a healthcare facility.

In instances where their physical abilities prohibit them from completing the task independently, they will have the option to seek assistance from someone they select or from a medical professional, such as a doctor or nurse.

Macron stated that the updated legislation will use the phrase “aid in dying” rather than terms such as euthanasia or medically assisted suicide, as it is straightforward and compassionate.

“Assisted suicide with medical assistance refers to patients willingly consuming a prescribed drink or medication, under specific criteria set by a doctor. Euthanasia, on the other hand, entails healthcare professionals administering a lethal injection to patients who have met certain requirements and requested it.”

Macron did not specify a date for when the legislation will be implemented. He stated that it will undergo a legislative process lasting several months, beginning in May.

In 2016, a law in France enabled doctors to sedate terminally ill patients prior to their death, however, it does not permit assisted suicide or euthanasia.

A few French individuals choose to travel to other countries in Europe for more choices. Neighboring Switzerland and Portugal permit assisted suicide, while euthanasia is currently lawful in the Netherlands, Belgium, Luxembourg, and Spain with specific stipulations.