Duckworth will call for a vote on the IVF bill.

Sens. Tammy Duckworth (D-Ill.) and Patty Murray
On Tuesday morning, Representative D-Wash. will be holding a press conference where they will demand for a vote to take place.on their bill
The need for federal protection of in-vitro fertilization and other fertility treatments is being emphasized due to a recent ruling by the Alabama Supreme Court, which declared that frozen embryos should be considered as individuals.
Duckworth expressed concern over the recent decision by the Alabama Supreme Court, which could lead to charges against women choosing to undergo in vitro fertilization and their doctors being labeled as murderers. She argues that nobody, regardless of where they live, should be treated as a criminal for simply trying to build or expand their family.
Duckworth and Murray initially presented their legislation in 2022 and recently reintroduced it with a House counterpart led by Representative.Susan Wild
The bill proposed by Rep. Duckworth from Pennsylvania would provide federal safeguards against any state restrictions on access to IVF. In 2022, when Duckworth, a mother of two daughters conceived through IVF, tried to bring the bill up for a vote, it was objected and blocked by Republicans without an explanation.
Certain members of the Republican party suggested that they may have a greater willingness to consider it at this point. “I didn’t deem it necessary before, but now we may have to give it some consideration,” stated Senator Sach.Mitt Romney
On Monday evening, (R-Utah) expressed that without IVF, they would have significantly less grandchildren.
Other GOP members argued that no action needs to be taken. Senator ____. Ron Johnson
The issue will be resolved in Alabama according to (R-Wis.), who referred to state legislators’ efforts to reverse the impact of the decision and restore IVF access for residents of Alabama. He also stated that he is not concerned about other states enacting similar restrictions, despite some GOP officials expressing interest in implementing their own limitations.
On Monday night, the Senate Majority Leader gave a speech on the floor.Chuck Schumer
It has been stated that the Republicans contributed to the recent Alabama ruling by attempting to overturn Roe v. Wade, and this will ultimately harm their chances in elections.
“Republicans own what happened in Alabama,” he said. “And Republicans will learn when it comes to attacks on their personal freedom, the American people do not easily forget.”
He did not specify if he intends to organize a vote on IVF, and his office did not acknowledge inquiries.