A recent study revealed that there have been 93 reported deaths of Americans who underwent cosmetic surgery in the Dominican Republic since 2009.

A recent study revealed that there have been 93 reported deaths of Americans who underwent cosmetic surgery in the Dominican Republic since 2009.

According to reports from U.S. health authorities, a total of 93 individuals from America have passed away during cosmetic surgery procedures in the Dominican Republic since the year 2009. A significant number of these fatalities were related to a specific type of surgery called a Brazilian butt lift.

The procedure has seen a rise in popularity lately and has resulted in fatalities in various countries, including the United States. According to a report released on Thursday by the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, it is unclear how prevalent these deaths are or if they occur more frequently in the Dominican Republic.

The report outlines precautions that medical travelers should take prior to embarking on their journey for medical procedures.

Dr. Matthew Hudson, the lead author of the study, emphasizes the importance of knowing the individual performing your surgery, their qualifications, and the facility’s capability to conduct the procedure and provide proper post-operative care.

A procedure known as a Brazilian butt lift utilizes the injection of fat. The report provided information on approximately twenty-four fatalities, with the majority attributed to the presence of fat or blood clots in the lungs or bloodstream.

Adverse outcomes resulting from plastic surgery are not exclusive to the Dominican Republic. Incidents of fatalities following cosmetic procedures have frequently been reported in the United States, particularly in Florida. On Thursday, the CDC released a distinct report detailing 15 instances of bacterial infections in women who visited a cosmetic surgery facility in Florida in 2022.

Occasional accounts have emerged from Mexico, such as last year’s incident in which American patients contracted fungal meningitis following cosmetic procedures in the border town of Matamoros. As a result, two clinics were shut down and twelve fatalities were reported.

The Dominican Republic is a popular vacation destination known for its welcoming atmosphere. Some doctors in the country advertise in the U.S. and provide services such as breast implants, liposuction, and other surgeries at reduced prices. In response to an uptick in American deaths in 2019 and 2020, the U.S. Embassy reached out to the CDC, who collaborated with the Dominican Republic Ministry of Health to investigate the situation.

Between 2009 and 2022, there were a total of 93 reported deaths among U.S. citizens who underwent cosmetic surgery in the Dominican Republic. This averages to approximately seven deaths per year, with only one being a male. The majority of these deaths (more than half) occurred after 2019, which correlates with the rise in popularity of Brazilian butt lifts. In 2022, the American Society of Plastic Surgeons reported that nearly 29,000 Brazilian butt lift procedures were performed in the U.S.

The typical method includes removing fat through liposuction from the hips, lower back, thighs, or other regions. Afterwards, the fat is inserted into the buttocks to alter its appearance or dimensions. Potential hazards include injecting the fat too deeply, causing it to enter the bloodstream and obstruct important arteries or veins.

According to autopsy reports, the cause of death for 11 out of 20 fatalities was identified by Hudson, who is currently affiliated with the State University of New York at Buffalo.


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