Al Gore believes that we have the power to take control of our fate when it comes to addressing climate change.

Al Gore believes that we have the power to take control of our fate when it comes to addressing climate change.

Al Gore, the previous Vice President, conveyed hope that the harmful effects of global warming on the environment can still be reversed by humanity.

“The positive development is that we have the ability to regain power over our future,” stated Gore during an interview on “State of the Union” that was broadcasted on Sunday. He has been consistently cautioning about the risks of climate change.

Gore stated that we possess the capability to accomplish this task. He also mentioned that it is not unfeasible, highlighting the use of solar power, wind power, and electric vehicles.

“He assured host Jake Tapper that we have the capability to achieve this goal if we can overcome the selfishness and influence of the major fossil fuel companies who have been attempting to manipulate this process. It is now up to individuals at a local level in each nation to raise their voices, and fortunately, that is already occurring.”

On the latest installment of “State of the Union,” the discussion centered on the year 2023 being marked by extreme temperatures and catastrophic events. Gore stressed the importance of humanity making a conscious decision to take appropriate action in order to address these issues and avoid severe repercussions.

“If we fail to act, it is possible that within the next few decades, there could be up to one billion individuals displaced by climate change and seeking refuge across international borders,” he warned. “Even just a few million have already contributed to the rise of populist authoritarian regimes. Imagine what one billion could do. We cannot allow this to happen. It could result in the loss of our ability to govern ourselves.”
