Technology News

A comprehensive set of rules for artificial intelligence has been agreed upon by Europe, making it the first in the world to do so.

The European Union’s negotiators reached an agreement on Friday for the world’s first set of comprehensive regulations for artificial intelligence. This will allow for legal supervision of AI technology, which has the potential to greatly impact daily life and has raised concerns about potential threats to humanity. Representatives from the European Parliament and the 27

Technology News

Amazon has requested that a federal judge dismiss the antitrust lawsuit filed by the FTC against the company.

Amazon’s lawyers have requested a federal judge to dismiss the Federal Trade Commission’s antitrust lawsuit against the e-commerce company. They claim that the agency is targeting practices that ultimately benefit both consumers and competition. The FTC, along with 17 states, filed a complaint against Amazon accusing the company of inflating prices and limiting competition in

Technology News

In the year 2023, the world of publishing was greatly influenced by protests, censorship, and the increasing presence of artificial intelligence.

In 2023, the book publishing industry experienced a decline in sales and an increase in conflicts, with legal disputes, protests, and censorship being prominent factors. The industry was also affected by external forces beyond its control. After the spike in sales during the pandemic, print book sales decreased, but fiction books remained popular, particularly among

Technology News

The CEO of Nvidia proposes that Malaysia has the potential to become a hub for manufacturing artificial intelligence, as data centers in Southeast Asia continue to grow.

The chief executive officer of Nvidia expressed interest in Malaysia as a potential location for the production of artificial intelligence. However, he did not confirm any discussions with a Malaysian company to establish AI data centers in the region. Nvidia’s CEO, Jensen Huang, stated to media in Kuala Lumpur that YTL Corp., a Malaysian conglomerate,

Technology News

. The British government accuses Russian intelligence of continuously attempting to interfere in British politics.

The British government announced on Thursday that Russia’s intelligence agencies have engaged in cyberespionage against prominent British politicians, government officials, and journalists in a continued effort to interfere in U.K. politics over several years. The Foreign Office stated that Russia’s FSB agency was accountable for various prolonged cyber espionage activities in the United Kingdom. These

Technology News

The discussions on leading global regulations for AI in Europe have temporarily stopped after 22 hours, and they will resume on Friday.

Negotiations within the European Union regarding groundbreaking regulations for artificial intelligence were temporarily halted on Thursday after 22 consecutive hours. A final agreement has not yet been reached on a set of guidelines for the rapidly developing technology used in popular platforms such as ChatGPT. Thierry Breton, the European Commissioner, announced on Twitter that discussions,

Technology News

Iran has successfully launched a capsule that is able to transport animals into outer space, as it continues to make progress towards sending humans into orbit.

On Wednesday, Iran announced that it successfully launched a capsule into orbit that is capable of transporting animals. This is part of their preparation for future human missions. According to a report from the official IRNA news agency, Telecommunications Minister Isa Zarepour stated that the capsule was launched into orbit at a distance of 130