Science News

The governor of Pennsylvania is appealing a decision that halted their proposal to have power plants take responsibility for their greenhouse gas emissions.

The administration of Governor Josh Shapiro announced on Tuesday that they will be contesting a court decision that halted a state rule requiring power plant owners in Pennsylvania to cover the costs of their greenhouse gas emissions, while also urging lawmakers to find a more effective solution. Shapiro did not promise to uphold the regulation

Science News

Boris Johnson, the previous Prime Minister of the United Kingdom, was said to be confused by science during the COVID-19 inquiry.

LONDON (AP) — Boris Johnson, the former British prime minister, struggled to come to grips with much of the science during the coronavirus pandemic, his chief scientific adviser said Monday. During his highly anticipated testimony to the nation’s public inquiry on the COVID-19 pandemic, Patrick Vallance stated that he and others encountered ongoing difficulties in

Science News

According to a report from the United Nations, the world is quickly surpassing the limit for warming as carbon emissions continue to increase instead of decrease.

According to a recent United Nations report, the Earth is on track to experience a global warming of 2.5 to 2.9 degrees Celsius (4.5 to 5.2 degrees Fahrenheit) since pre-industrial times, surpassing the previously agreed-upon international climate limit. The 2015 Paris climate agreement states that in order to have a fair chance at limiting global

Science News

The operator of Japan’s damaged Fukushima nuclear plant has announced that the third release of treated water has been completed without incident.

TOKYO (AP) — The release of a third batch of treated radioactive wastewater from Japan’s damaged Fukushima nuclear plant into the Pacific Ocean ended safely as planned, its operator said Monday, as the country’s seafood producers continue to suffer from a Chinese import ban imposed after the discharges began. Significant quantities of radioactive liquid waste