Science News

“The United States is taking action to safeguard wolverines from the impacts of climate change, which is causing the melting of their high-altitude habitats and putting them at risk of extinction.”

The Biden administration has released a proposal to provide threatened species protections to the North American wolverine, which has been delayed for a long time. This is in response to warnings from scientists that climate change is causing the species’ snowy mountain habitats to disappear, putting them at risk of extinction. In many parts of

Science News

The issue of conflicting climate projections is a central focus at the United Nations discussions. While there is a prediction of less warming in the future, there is currently experiencing more immediate consequences.

Experts stated that the Earth’s temperature will experience significantly less increase than initially predicted ten years ago. However, this positive development is overshadowed by the greater negative effects of present-day climate change, which were underestimated by scientists. This is one of several conflicting situations that climate negotiators will confront as they convene in Dubai for

Science News

A baby Sumatran rhinoceros was born in Indonesia, contributing to a critically endangered species with a population of less than 50 individuals.

On Saturday, in Indonesia’s western island of Sumatra, a Sumatran rhino that is classified as critically endangered, was born, making it the second one to be born in the country this year. This is a positive development for the species, which currently has less than 50 animals remaining. Delilah, a female, delivered a male calf

Science News

On the day dedicated to conservation in Mexico, proponents are expressing concerns that the process of listing endangered species is too slow.

For generations, the people living on Banco Chinchorro, a Caribbean island in Mexico near Belize, have been harvesting queen conch for their meat and salmon-pink shells. However, due to declining populations, Mexico has implemented restrictions and prohibitions on catching these shellfish in recent years. Despite implementing measures such as a five-year ban on catches in

Science News

“What led humans to the brink of a catastrophic climate crisis? A persistent drive for advancement and the energy to sustain it.”

Despite the extreme weather conditions of record-breaking temperatures, heavy rains, dry spells, and raging wildfires, officials are coming together for another meeting of the United Nations to discuss ways to reduce the long-standing issue of humans emitting increasing amounts of greenhouse gases into the air. For centuries, humans have altered their surroundings to suit their