Science News

A private US spacecraft was destroyed while reentering the atmosphere after a unsuccessful attempt to reach the moon, according to the company involved.

On Friday, officials confirmed that a moon mission by an American company ended in failure, resulting in a fiery crash into the South Pacific. Astrobotic Technology announced that communication and tracking were lost when their lunar lander reentered Earth’s atmosphere on Thursday. This occurred 10 days after its launch from Florida. CEO John Thornton stated

Science News

Scientists have successfully mapped the largest deep-sea coral reef to date, located off the coast of the United States in the Atlantic Ocean.

Researchers have charted the expansive coral reef located deep in the ocean, which spans hundreds of miles along the eastern coast of the United States. Although scientists have been aware of the existence of certain coral in the Atlantic since the 1960s, the actual size of the reef was unknown until recent advancements in underwater

Science News

The United States is experiencing extreme cold while other parts of the world are uncharacteristically warm. This is once again evidence of the effects of climate change.

A large portion of the United States is currently experiencing extremely low temperatures while the majority of the world is facing unseasonably warm weather. Despite its oddness, this paradox can be explained by the effects of climate change on our planet, according to scientists. On a global temperature map for the past few days, large

Science News

Large states are limiting the authority of local governments to prevent the implementation of environmentally-friendly initiatives.

In 2022, a proposal for a 75-turbine wind farm in Montcalm County, Michigan was rejected by local voters, resulting in the recall of seven officials who had backed the project. Approximately 150 miles (240 kilometers) to the southeast, Clara Ostrander of Monroe County faced a similar struggle when increasing healthcare expenses led her and her

Science News

Once again, the volcano Mount Marapi in Indonesia has erupted, resulting in evacuations. Fortunately, there have been no reported casualties.

On Sunday, Mount Marapi in Indonesia erupted once more, releasing smoke and ash into the sky, but without any reported injuries. The Marapi Volcano Observation Post in the province of West Sumatra reported a volcanic eruption with an ash column measuring approximately 1,300 meters (4,265 feet) in height from the peak. This was accompanied by

Science News

Researchers are providing an explanation for the unprecedented heat in 2023 that has caused concern among scientists. It is possible that the warming trend is exacerbating this heat.

The most recent computations from multiple scientific organizations depicting Earth breaking global temperature records in the previous year may appear alarming. However, researchers are concerned that the underlying causes of these figures could be even more concerning. The Associated Press conducted interviews and sent emails to over 30 scientists to gather insight on the significance