Science News

The state of Washington is creating guidelines for government agencies that utilize generative artificial intelligence.

The governor of Washington has requested the state to create guidelines for the appropriate use of generative artificial intelligence in government operations, as the technology becomes more integrated. Democratic Governor Jay Inslee stated that it is our responsibility to the public to carefully and considerately implement these influential new tools. Many states in the United

Science News

Last year, researchers reported a 30% decrease in the population of Western monarch butterflies overwintering in California.

According to a recent report, the population of western monarch butterflies that migrate to California for the winter decreased by 30% last year, possibly as a result of unusually wet weather conditions. According to the Xerces Society, a nonprofit organization dedicated to preserving invertebrates, volunteers recorded over 230,000 butterflies during their visits to California and

Science News

The United Nations agency has verified a temperature reading of 119.8 degrees in Sicily, which was recorded two years ago and is considered the highest temperature ever recorded in Europe.

In 2019, the United Nations’ weather organization verified that a temperature of 48.8 degrees Celsius (119.8 degrees Fahrenheit) in Sicily was the highest ever recorded in Europe. On August 11, 2021, the World Meteorological Organization reported that temperatures were reaching record highs in Sicily, along with many other parts of Europe. This event has raised

Science News

“The Japanese moon probe has resumed its operations after the sun has reached its solar panels. It is now up and running again.”

A Japanese lunar spacecraft is now operational on Monday following a few stressful days without adequate sunlight to produce energy. On January 20, Japan’s initial trip to the moon successfully made a precise landing, but unfortunately ended up upside down. As a result, its solar panels were unable to receive sunlight. However, as the lunar

Science News

Technology is being utilized by investigators in the field of science to uncover fraudulent activity and plagiarism in published studies.

Recent accusations of fraudulent research at a prominent cancer institute have brought attention to the importance of honesty in scientific practices and the efforts of non-professionals in detecting manipulated images in published studies. On January 22, Dana-Farber Cancer Institute, which is affiliated with Harvard Medical School, announced its request for retractions and corrections of scientific

Science News

A prominent geneticist in Russia has been dismissed for his controversial belief that humans could potentially live up to 900 years before the Biblical flood was caused by sin.

The director of a renowned genetics institute in Russia has been removed from their position by the country’s science and higher education ministry. This decision comes after the director caused controversy by claiming that ancient humans had longer lifespans and that the shorter lifespans of modern humans are a result of their ancestors’ wrongdoing. According

Science News

NASA’s little helicopter on Mars has logged its last flight

NASA’s small Mars helicopter has completed its final flight in Cape Canaveral, Florida. On Thursday, the space agency declared that the helicopter called Ingenuity, weighing 4 pounds (1.8 kilograms), is unable to continue flying due to damage to its rotor blades. Although it is still standing and communicating with flight controllers, officials have confirmed that