Health Care

The Chinese government has attributed an increase in respiratory sicknesses to influenza and other recognized pathogens.

The Chinese health ministry announced on Sunday that the recent increase in respiratory illnesses throughout China, which has caught the attention of the World Health Organization, is due to the flu and other identifiable pathogens rather than a new virus. A spokesperson from the National Health Commission reported that the recent outbreaks of respiratory infections

Health Care

No one’s promising you can keep your doctor anymore

Due to a shortage of employees and the COVID-19 pandemic leading to a rise in telemedicine, Washington is rethinking the concept of primary care. | Photo by Matt York/AP President Barack Obama famously assured Americans that they would be able to retain their doctors. However, with the current trends, it is likely that a significant

Health Care

The citizens of Ohio have recently approved measures to protect abortion rights. The implementation of these protections is currently being deliberated in court.

The new constitutional safeguards for abortion access and other reproductive rights will become effective on December 7th in Ohio, following the overwhelming support of voters. The specific effects and timing of these protections are still uncertain. Lawsuits concerning abortion are once again progressing through the legal system following the resolution of the issue by voters,

Health Care

The United Nations has confirmed the transmission of mpox through sexual contact in the Democratic Republic of Congo, marking the first time this has been reported in the country during a widespread outbreak.

The World Health Organization has announced that it has verified the sexual transmission of mpox in Congo, marking the first time this has been confirmed. This comes as the country is facing its largest outbreak yet, a concerning development that African scientists fear could hinder efforts to contain the disease. On Thursday evening, the United

Health Care

There was a strong bipartisan backlash against the denial of care in Medicare Advantage. The denials were described as “stunning.”

The number of complaints from legislators regarding denied care under Medicare Advantage is increasing, potentially leading to the CMS ramping up its monitoring of the program. By Robert King 11/24/2023 07:00 AM EST The Seniors’ Timely Access to Care Act, which requires insurance companies to promptly approve routine care requests and respond within 24 hours

Health Care

Several countries including South Africa and Colombia are currently engaged in legal battles against pharmaceutical companies in an effort to gain access to tuberculosis and HIV medications.

Countries such as South Africa and Colombia, who were unsuccessful in securing coronavirus vaccines, are adopting a more confrontational stance towards pharmaceutical companies. They are also challenging policies that limit access to affordable treatment for tuberculosis and HIV for millions of people. Specialists view this as a change in the way these nations handle large

Health Care

Prosecutors have requested to officially close the case against prominent Italian and World Health Organization officials for their handling of the COVID-19 pandemic.

Lawyers reported that Rome prosecutors have requested a judge to officially end an inquiry into Italian and U.N. health authorities regarding Italy’s actions in response to COVID-19 in 2020, citing lack of evidence of any wrongdoing. The prosecutors in Rome, Claudia Terracina and Paolo Ielo, have requested to close the investigation that gained attention due