Health Care

According to the report, both New Jersey and the US were not adequately prepared for the COVID-19 pandemic and continue to be unprepared for future crises.

A report conducted independently revealed that New Jersey and the entire country were not adequately equipped to handle the impact of the COVID-19 outbreak. The findings also state that the state is not adequately prepared for any future crises. These shortcomings were highlighted after the virus infected almost three million people in New Jersey and

Health Care

Republican legislators are pushing back against demands to adjust anti-abortion regulations. Some have stated that they will provide further clarity on the limited circumstances in which abortions are allowed.

Conservative lawmakers in several Republican-run states are choosing not to reconsider bans on abortion, despite concerns from physicians and patients about the unclear exceptions in the laws. This has led to some pregnant women being denied necessary treatment. Instead, GOP leaders accuse abortion rights advocates of deliberately spreading misinformation and doctors of intentionally denying services

Health Care

West Virginia legislators approve new legislation that weakens one of the nation’s toughest laws regarding child vaccinations.

The Republican-led state legislature of West Virginia passed a bill on Saturday that grants certain students not enrolled in public schools to be excused from the state’s stringent vaccination mandates, which have been highly regarded as some of the strictest in the nation. Despite Republican Senate Health and Human Resources Chair Mike Maroney, a trained