Health Care

The beginning of the Covid vaccine distribution has been difficult.

Last week, the FDA and CDC approved the updated Pfizer and Moderna vaccines targeting the Covid strain that was present in the late spring and early summer. The latest release of Covid-19 vaccines has encountered obstacles due to the discontinuation of the federal government’s procurement and distribution of the doses. Most Americans with public and

Health Care

Trump steamrolls anti-abortion groups

The anti-abortion movement is facing a critical decision as Republican rivals attempt to narrow the large gap in polls by criticizing former President Donald Trump for being a fickle conservative. Recently, Donald Trump expressed his disapproval of Florida’s six-week abortion ban, declined to support nationwide restrictions, held anti-abortion supporters accountable for Republicans’ 2022 election letdowns,

Health Care

I am surprised that we are discussing polio in the year 2023.

This is the second installment of a five-part series exploring the growth of the anti-vaccine political movement. The Covid-19 outbreak caused a decline in faith towards scientific research. Public health experts are concerned that the 2024 election may exacerbate this issue. Several candidates for president from both political parties are embracing a rising trend that

Health Care

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention is seeking to regain public trust, but acknowledges that rebuilding will be a gradual process.

Mandy Cohen, the new Director of the CDC, denounced attempts to discourage people from getting vaccinated as baseless and potentially harmful. By Chelsea Cirruzzo 09/16/2023 07:00 AM EDT Cautioned individuals who are in good health and under the age of 65 to refrain from receiving the recently approved Covid-19 vaccination. Cohen described attempts to decrease