Health Care

A hospital in Alabama has temporarily halted the process of in vitro fertilization (IVF) following a court ruling that declared frozen embryos as children.

A major hospital in Alabama has temporarily stopped offering in vitro fertilization services due to a recent court ruling that has classified frozen embryos as legally equivalent to children. Health care professionals are currently assessing the implications of this decision. The health system at the University of Alabama at Birmingham has announced that they need

Health Care

“Alabama’s IVF decision causes potential for political and legal repercussions, likened to a ‘hot potato’.”

According to legal professionals, the recent decision in Alabama may potentially go against religious freedom laws at both the state and federal level and could face legal challenges. A decision by the Alabama Supreme Court to bestow legal personhood to frozen embryos could result in backlash for conservative individuals leading up to the November election.

Health Care

in Alzheimer’s disease. Prior to the onset of Alzheimer’s, there are subtle changes that occur in the brain. Scientists have discovered additional hints about the sequence of events in the development of Alzheimer’s disease.

Scientists have recently discovered that Alzheimer’s disease silently attacks the brain long before any symptoms become noticeable. They have also uncovered new information about the sequential pattern of these changes, similar to a domino effect, which could potentially provide an opportunity for intervention in the future. Over the course of 20 years, a comprehensive study

Health Care

The highest court in Alabama has determined that embryos that have been frozen are considered “children” according to state laws.

“The Alabama Supreme Court has declared that frozen embryos may be legally recognized as children according to state law,” stated a recent ruling. Some have expressed concerns about the potential impact this decision could have on fertility procedures in the state. The ruling came from two lawsuits filed by three couples, who lost their frozen

Health Care

Zimbabwe has initiated an urgent campaign to administer polio vaccinations in response to the discovery of cases caused by an uncommon mutation.

Zimbabwe has launched an urgent effort to vaccinate over 4 million children against polio. This comes after three cases were reported, caused by a rare mutation of the weakened virus found in oral vaccines. One of the victims, a 10-year-old girl, was paralyzed in January. Last year, laboratory tests conducted by the health ministry in