
I prefer the “Little 32” model for restructuring.

The N.C. High School Athletic Association has distributed surveys to its members to gather feedback on their preferences for an eight-classification system. There were three versions of the model: the standard model where each class had the same size, one where the top 32 schools were in the “Big 32,” and another where the bottom


Due to inclement weather, the Daytona 500 race has been rescheduled for Monday, marking the first time since 2012 that it has been postponed. This decision was made in order to ensure the safety of all participants and spectators.

Written by Jenna Fryer, AP’s Auto Racing Correspondent. Daytona Beach, Fla. The Daytona 500, originally scheduled for Sunday, has been rescheduled for Monday due to rain at the Daytona International Speedway. The event was originally planned for Sunday afternoon, but the weather forecast caused uncertainty throughout the week. The last driver practice and Xfinity Series

Health Care

Advocates are optimistic that Jimmy Carter’s perseverance, even after a year of entering hospice care, will help to bring attention to the cause.

One year ago, former U.S. president Jimmy Carter entered hospice care at his residence in south Georgia. Since then, he has marked his 99th birthday, received recognition for his accomplishments, and mourned the passing of his wife of 77 years. Rosalynn Carter passed away in November, approximately six months after her family revealed her dementia

Energy & Environment

Are young voters concerned about climate change in the Biden vs. Trump election?

Despite the significant funding from the Biden administration towards promoting clean energy and electric vehicles, young climate activists remain uncertain about the President’s stance. Environmental advocates are pressuring President Joe Biden to take more aggressive action against climate change, but they are faced with a difficult dilemma: How far can they push him without potentially