A judge in the UK condemns the legal strategies employed by the parents of a terminally ill child, and denies their request to allow the child to die at home.

The actions of the parents of a terminally ill baby were met with deep concern from a British judge, who denied their request to bring her home from the hospital to pass away.

Justice Peter Jackson of the Court of Appeal made a ruling allowing 8-month-old Indi Gregory to receive treatment at Bambino Gesu Children’s Hospital in Rome, after her parents and the Italian government had requested permission.

A previous court ruling sided with doctors who believed that it was in Indi’s best interest to discontinue life support and let her pass away in a hospital or hospice setting.

According to Jackson, the healthcare professionals responsible for Indi and other seriously ill children are facing a difficult situation due to the legal dispute. He criticized the use of “manipulative litigation tactics” which aim to obstruct orders made by judges after thorough deliberation.

Jackson stated that such behaviors will not be accepted.

Indi’s mother and father have been advocating for the continuation of life support for their child. Due to a rare condition called mitochondrial disease, Indi has experienced brain damage. They are hopeful that experimental treatments will extend her life.

However, Indi’s physicians have asserted that she is not cognizant of her surroundings, is experiencing distress, and should be permitted to pass away peacefully.

This is the most recent instance of a pattern in British courts where parents and medical professionals clash over the care of critically ill children. In these situations, British judges have consistently supported the medical professionals’ decisions, prioritizing what is best for the child even if the parents disagree with the recommended treatment plan.