A member of the Wayne County basketball team who serves as their manager had a memorable moment when they suited up and scored for the team, bringing pride to both the team and school.

A member of the Wayne County basketball team who serves as their manager had a memorable moment when they suited up and scored for the team, bringing pride to both the team and school.

A middle school student from Wayne County who loves basketball recently saw their dreams become a reality.

Chris Boykin

The individual responsible for managing students is the student manager.Norwayne

The basketball team at the Middle School includes a player with autism and other disabilities, but he is determined and perseveres.

He has been supporting the team from the sidelines for the past three years.

During his 8th grade year, he finally got the chance to join the team and play in a game.Brogden

The Middle School will take place on February 12th.

Furthermore, he achieved his dream by successfully making a basket.

“I once dreamt that I was playing a game and made a single shot,” Chris stated.

“It just made us all cry,” said Chris’s grandmother Tammy Priest. “We had family come

People came from everywhere just to support him on that important evening.

Chris was able to score two points during the game, but it was not recorded on the official score sheet because it was an unofficial tip-off. However, he still started the game and played in all four quarters.

Source: wral.com