Biden and Harris join forces to promote reproductive rights in Virginia.

Biden and Harris join forces to promote reproductive rights in Virginia.

On Tuesday, President Joe Biden and Vice President Kamala Harris will appear together in Virginia to advocate for abortion rights. This is a key issue for Democrats in the upcoming election, which is likely to include a repeat of the previous contest against former Republican President Donald Trump.

Jill and Doug Emhoff, the spouses of Biden and Harris respectively, will be accompanying them. This marks the first appearance of all four individuals together since the start of the campaign, highlighting the significance of the abortion issue for Democrats this year.

On Monday, Harris visited Wisconsin to commemorate the 51st anniversary of Roe v. Wade, the ruling by the U.S. Supreme Court that made abortion legal across the country. The decision was reversed two years ago, with Trump’s support, after he appointed three conservative judges to the court during his presidency. He expressed satisfaction with his contribution to this outcome.

Harris asked, “Is it something to be proud of that women all over our country are experiencing hardship? Is it a source of pride that women are being denied a basic freedom? Are we proud that doctors could face imprisonment for simply providing care to their patients? And is it acceptable that young women today have fewer rights than their mothers and grandmothers?”

Harris kicked off her national tour in Wisconsin, with a particular focus on abortion. She emphasized the importance of this issue as a fundamental aspect of personal freedom in the United States.

She stated that in America, freedom is not something that is given or bestowed upon us. It is a right that we already possess. This includes the freedom to make choices about our own bodies, without government interference.

Harris recounted accounts of women who experienced miscarriages in bathrooms or contracted sepsis due to being refused assistance by doctors who feared breaking abortion regulations.

She stated that this is truly a healthcare emergency and there is no element of speculation involved.

Biden’s latest television commercial highlights the topic of abortion, featuring Dr. Austin Dennard, a Texas-based OB-GYN who had to travel out of state to terminate her pregnancy due to her baby being diagnosed with a life-threatening condition known as anencephaly.

According to Dennard, individuals in Texas are required to continue their pregnancies due to the reversal of Roe v. Wade by Donald Trump.

The Democratic party aims to reinstate the rights outlined in Roe v. Wade, but the current composition of the Supreme Court and Republican dominance in the House make this unlikely. Nonetheless, they have achieved victories in localized elections focused on the issue of abortion.

Biden emphasized the importance of American citizens continuing to express their opinions at a meeting for his reproductive rights task force on Monday.

The White House is facing challenges in guaranteeing access to abortion. A new team has been established to assist hospitals in adhering to the federal Emergency Medical Treatment and Labor Act. This act mandates that hospitals receiving federal funding must provide life-saving treatment to patients in critical condition.

The Department of Health and Human Services announced plans to increase training in hospitals regarding the law and release updated guidance on how to file a complaint against a hospital.

Advocacy organizations have expressed disapproval towards HHS for not taking strong action in response to these grievances. According to a recent report by The Associated Press, federal authorities did not uncover any legal violations when a 26-year-old woman in Oklahoma was told to wait in a parking lot until her pregnancy became nonviable before being granted an abortion.

Although Harris and Democrats have embraced the topic of abortion in their campaigns, Republicans are avoiding it or advocating for a ceasefire, concerned about facing further backlash from voters.

Former governor of South Carolina and current Republican presidential candidate, Nikki Haley, has urged for a consensus to be reached on the divisive issue.

During a primary debate in November, she stated, “While I strongly support the pro-life stance, I do not pass judgment on those who are pro-choice and I do not wish to be judged for my pro-life beliefs.”

Although Trump has claimed responsibility for the overturning of Roe v. Wade, he has opposed laws such as Florida’s ban on abortions after six weeks. This law was enacted by Gov. Ron DeSantis, who recently withdrew from the Republican nomination race.

During a recent Fox News town hall, Trump stated that winning elections is necessary.

The White House has consistently relied on Harris, the first female vice president, to advocate for abortion rights. This stands in contrast to Biden’s more reserved stance on the topic. While he has long been a supporter of abortion rights, he rarely brings it up and sometimes avoids using the term altogether when addressing the issue.

According to Jamal Simmons, a previous director of communications for Harris, the topic of abortion was a major focus for her and her team, unlike anything they had experienced before.

According to Simmons, the president and vice president have appeals to different factions within the party. He believes that they are most effective when working together as a team.


Amanda Seitz, a writer for the Associated Press, contributed to this report.