The annual CES 2024 is here, and there are plenty of exciting things to anticipate at this year's event showcasing the latest in technology.

The annual CES 2024 is here, and there are plenty of exciting things to anticipate at this year’s event showcasing the latest in technology.

The yearly tech convention known as CES, hosted by the Consumer Technology Association, is commencing in Las Vegas.

The upcoming event, previously named the Consumer Electronics Show, will showcase a wide range of cutting-edge technologies and devices in areas such as personal technology, transportation, healthcare, and beyond. The use of artificial intelligence is rapidly expanding and will be a prominent feature at the event.

The organization known as the Consumer Technology Association promotes CES as the biggest technology event that is verified and takes place in person. The goal is to attract around 130,000 participants this year. Additionally, there are over 4,000 companies, including 1,200 new businesses, projected to showcase their products in a total of 2.5 million square feet of exhibition space.

This number is still lower than the pre-pandemic years and would represent a decrease of 24% in attendance compared to the event held in early 2020, before COVID-19 significantly impacted daily life. However, 2024 is expected to surpass more recent years in terms of attendance. For instance, the projected number would exceed the 118,000 attendees in 2023.

Gary Shapiro, president and CEO of the Consumer Technology Association, expressed excitement for the upcoming event, citing the enthusiasm of attendees after the COVID-19 pandemic and strong support from CEOs worldwide.

Prominent companies such as Amazon, Google, Honda, Mercedes-Benz, and L’Oreal are scheduled to showcase their products at this year’s CES. Along with these tech giants and automakers, the event will feature leading cosmetics brands as well. Additionally, the Consumer Technology Association’s collaboration with the United Nations Human Security for All initiative will be highlighted, with technology being recognized as the eighth pillar of human security.

Following two days of press previews, CES will take place from Tuesday to Friday. The event is not accessible to the general public and primarily serves as a business-to-business platform for industry professionals to collaborate and build connections.

The Associated Press interviewed Shapiro regarding CES 2024 and the upcoming week’s events. The conversation has been edited for better understanding and brevity.

The main concept of the show revolves around sustainability and being environmentally friendly. It also addresses U.N. human security issues such as access to clean air, water, food, and healthcare. Recently, technology has been added as a new aspect of human security by the U.N. The entire show is centered on these important human security concerns.

The companies on display are offering solutions for the post-pandemic world, spanning from transportation to healthcare. As our population ages and life expectancy increases, there is a growing need for technology to assist with caregiving.

AI is like the internet itself. It’s a huge ingredient that will propel so much innovation. The difference is now generative AI, which can learn from what you’ve done. And you can apply that to so many different aspects of what we do that will make our lives better — especially in a health care area.

As with any invention, the government has a significant responsibility in enforcing safety measures. We have been collaborating with the U.S. Senate and they have been receiving input from various stakeholders, including a call for a nationwide privacy law. AI is a tool that has the potential for great impact, whether positively or negatively. Our priority is to utilize it for good.

This is equivalent to the largest car event globally for trade purposes. We observe car manufacturers from various countries present at the event.

There will be various modes of presence, and some individuals may opt not to be present for various reasons. The strike definitely affected certain Detroit companies, but other companies from different parts of the world, particularly Europe, Vietnam, and Japan, remain robust.

Ever since the pandemic, trade shows have gained even more significance for business executives. This is due to their recognition and value of the importance of building relationships. In-person interactions are crucial. For instance, those attending CES typically have an average of 29 meetings. It doesn’t get much more efficient than that.

Serendipity and discovery are two things that cannot be obtained online. It involves learning and being inspired by things you didn’t know existed. At a recent event, someone shared with me their love for attending CES because they leave feeling optimistic about the world and with 50 new ideas that energize them. This is crucial because our future looks bright and innovation will be the driving force behind it. By bringing together innovators from around the world, we will reach our goals.


James Brooks, a video producer, was involved in the creation of this report.
