According to a study by Pew, YouTube is the most commonly used social media platform among teenagers, with around 16% using it frequently throughout the day.

According to a survey conducted by the Pew Research Institute, the amount of teenagers using social media has not significantly decreased, despite growing concerns about its impact on their mental well-being.

However, the data also revealed that approximately 1 out of every 6 teenagers characterized their usage of two platforms, YouTube and TikTok, as “nearly constant.”

According to the survey, 71% of teenagers reported using YouTube on a daily basis, with 16% stating they use it almost constantly. A slightly larger percentage of 17% reported almost constant usage of TikTok. For Snapchat and Instagram, the numbers were 14% and 8%, respectively.

Rephrased: In a recent survey, it was found that YouTube is the top choice for social media among teenagers, with 93% of respondents stating that they use the platform. This is a decrease of two percentage points from the previous year. Following behind are TikTok, Snapchat, and Instagram, but all of them are significantly behind YouTube in terms of usage by at least 30 percentage points. The survey also showed that three out of the four platforms experienced a slight decline in usage over the past year, except for Snapchat which saw a one percentage point increase.

According to recent statistics, the number of teenagers using Facebook has decreased from 71% in 2014-15 to 33% in 2023. As a result, the level of engagement and respect from teens on the platform has similarly declined. Only 19% of teens reported checking Facebook on a daily basis, and a mere 3% claim to use it constantly.

There has been growing criticism towards social media for their use of algorithms to attract and keep younger users engaged. In October, a group of 33 states, such as New York and California, filed a lawsuit against Meta Platforms for their role in exacerbating the mental health issues among youth. The lawsuit claims that the company purposely designed features on Instagram and Facebook to create addiction in children. However, Meta has denied these allegations.

On Monday, the Pew survey was released. It was carried out between September 26th and October 23rd, and involved 1,453 teenagers aged 13 to 17.
