Panthers Playbook: Carolina Panthers bench Bryce Young ::

Panthers Playbook: Carolina Panthers bench Bryce Young ::

Emergency episode of Panthers playbook. That’s Chris Lee Dennis Coxie with you sponsored by Carolina Ford dealers. Got that out of the way. All right, Chris, can we officially say price is a bus? He’s benched. Um You say he’s a bus now in the eyes of the Carolina Panthers. He’s a bus man. But, but here’s the thing though. Uh, I just watched Sam Darnell have a really good game yesterday. I just saw Baker Mayfield have a really good game yesterday. Um, clearly people leave the Carolina Panthers and end up becoming who they really are. So I, I don’t want to say Bryce Young is a bust overall, but we’ll get into that to the Carolina Panthers. He absolutely 100% is because guess what that is where we are. Um That is where we are right now because like I just mentioned, uh, Bryce Young is benched that’s announced today by Tom Pleso NFL Network. Adam Schefter ESPN. And you and I have said Chris, if they make this decision, it’s over, it’s over like it’s done. This isn’t like, hey, we’re gonna let the guy kind of, you know, learn a little bit behind the vet, then we’re kind of def, no, no, no, no. This is an organizational decision that he’s done, he’s done. And this will go down as probably the worst trade in NFL history for everything they gave up to get this guy and then 18 starts. And that’s it. Like that’s, bro, bro, that’s, here’s, here’s one thing though. Um, just, just to put this into perspective when it comes to Bryce, um I did not know coming into the season that essentially Bryce Young had a two game leash, right? And the Panthers essentially didn’t know that he had a two game leash. Um, but last year again and I’ll, I’ll keep saying this last year, you can’t blame Bryce. He was a rookie. Everything around him was bad. Now that all of that has been addressed, we’ve said we’ve said this constantly. The last two games there is no excuse for Bryce Young. You played horribly the line. I mean, if you look at the Pff grades, the line is, is holding you up, bro, the line is doing their job. Uh, guys are getting open. Tuba Hubbard did his thing yesterday. I only had 10 carries. It still has 64 yards, so 6.4 yards per carry. So it was everybody around you is doing their job. Now you have to do your job. I didn’t know that Bryce Young had a two game leash and so now that we see that now the Panthers really do have to look into the future of where are we gonna go with this? This is now Bryce Young is over in Carolina. He’s done. But I know that once he’s gone, done for the Carolina Panthers, he will be on another roster. He’s not, I’m sure he’s not done from the NFL. Somebody will give him another shot. First round picks have like nine lives and he, he might end up progressing and doing ok at another place that’s, but here it’s, it’s over and now we have to really talk about this. This is less about Bryce and more so about why the Carolina Panthers as an institution since David Tepper has been here. Either can’t hold on to their really good draft picks or their top draft picks who are supposed to be good. End up being off the team within 3 to 4 years. And it looks like Bryce is only gonna be here for 22, I mean, go not even two years, two games like two games into his second year. That’s really it, it, it’s, it’s, it’s staggering the fact that you brought in so much around him this year that he’s just after two games gone. Like you said, like you said, I don’t think anyone realized the leash was two games. It’s like, man, is he really that bad with all the investment? Like when you put that much resources in to get a guy, you give him as many chances as possible. But he clearly showed, I don’t know if Dave Canalis, I don’t, I don’t know if those guys just kind of proved the point. Like, hey, you know what, like this guy can’t do it because you and I talked about it in our episode of Panthers playbook after the game yesterday. Dude has zero confidence. Won’t push the ball down the field, can’t throw the ball downfield. And when he does, he gets intercepted, uh, it’s just, and, and, and, and it’s unfair, I will say this as well. It’s unfair to the rest of the team. If that guy is holding you back and you don’t make and you don’t do something about it. It’s unfair to the rest of your team. It’s not fair to Deonte Johnson. It’s not fair to Adam Thiele. It’s not fair to CBA. It’s not fair to Robert Hunt and Damian Lewis, it’s not fair to any of those guys if the quarterback stinks, which is what Bryce Young was like, it’s not fair to those guys. If you don’t do something about it. If Bryce Young can’t turn it around, then it’s on the coaches to make that decision. And you know, we will say this kudos on the Cojones for Canalis to make this decision after just two games. Yeah, assuming it says call that I was gonna bring that up. I was gonna say, I don’t even know if this is Canalis call or not. Or maybe this is Dan Morgan’s call. Who knows? But here’s the thing. If, if Tepper is the one making the call, then Tepper is openly admitting he made a mistake because that was Tepper’s guy. Bryce Young was Tepper’s guy. If Tepper’s the one making this call, Tepper’s openly admitting that he made a mistake. Think about this because of his love for Bryce Young. Remember what was said last year? Um Frank Reich, uh, and, uh, and, and Scott Fitterer both agreed that David Tepper and his guys saw Bryce Young like 34 years ago and tabbed him. If we have a shot at this guy, we are gonna get that guy before he even started a game at Alabama. Their scouts were at Alabama and they were watching and they were like, this guy is gonna be something we need to keep tabs on him. So then he won a Heisman trophy, then won a Heisman trophy, you know, all that. And so the thing with this, if you think about that, David Tepper’s insistence on Bryce Young got Frank Reich fired, right. Do you think Frank Wright could coach in the NFL? I sure do. Do I think that he’d be a top end coach? Maybe not, maybe not. But I, I do think that you needed, uh, last year if you weren’t going to go with Steve Wilkes, that’s another thing. If you weren’t gonna go with Steve Wilkes, I think you needed somebody who had an offensive line with experience and that checked out with, with Frank Reich. Now, did you surround Frank Reich with the quarterback that he’s used to working with that he prefers to work with, with the staff that he prefers to work with. No, you didn’t. And so things didn’t go, right. You had to fire Reich. It looks like it’s Reich’s fault, but there is an organizational problem right now and it all starts and ends with David Tepper me and you were talking about this yesterday. Um But like honestly, a lot of it started with his insistence to move on from Teddy Bridgewater after one year. Um And if he hadn’t done that, look at all the domino effect of all the things that happened after that and now you start to trade, uh, draft picks and all that stuff after that and before that, the way he got rid of, of Cam. Yeah. Yeah. Yes. I mean, shoot, I mean, Cam could have and should have probably stayed in a Carolina Panthers Jersey. But here’s one thing that I, I took from yesterday when we were in that locker room. I had a chance to speak with Adam Thielen. Uh, Robert Hunt, you spoke to the same guys as well. Um You know, you were doing your thing for the podcast. I was doing my thing for WRL and the, and the podcast and the guys all said the right thing they said the politically correct things. Grace is our guy. But if you read between the lines, Thien knew it was time for a change because he didn’t say Bryce Young is the guy that’s gonna take us to wins. He’s going to be here. He says, I like Bryce. He works hard. He tries to get us going. All that saying is the guy hasn’t given up. That’s the thing like he didn’t say this is the guy that’s gonna make us win games. And that’s the, that’s the difference with him. I’m 100% with you that it’s the frustration. The fact that the, the frustration as Adam Thin when you were talking to him said boiled over and it was just game number two. It’s like alarms, alarms started going off the fact that it was third quarter and we saw thin frustrating the sideline Deontay Johnson, not even going to talk to Bryce Young on the sideline. It’s like, no, they have zero faith in number 90 faith in number nine. He even talked to Robert Hunt and he’s just kind of like, I ain’t got no answers. I wanna, I’ve, I’ve, I, I kind of got the impression that it was just like, yeah, something’s got to change, you know, in terms of who’s out there, the confidence in Bryce is gone, his, in, in himself and clearly the confidence from the rest of the team just ain’t there. It’s just not there anymore. And you know what, here we are, Chris and maybe we actually finally get a chance to evaluate what the offense actually looks like. Well, here’s the thing that’s gonna be the problem for the Carolina Panthers. Now, uh, moving forward is because because of your decisions at quarterback that have plagued you since you decided to get rid of Cam Newton. Right. And, and just the litany of quarterbacks you’ve gone through since then. Now, instead of looking at a first round pass rusher in 2025 in the NFL draft, which you need for this team, you’re going back and you’re going to have to choose between Quinn Ewers. Cam Ward, Shadur Sanders, whomever else ends up getting those first round grades, uh for, for next year’s, um, you know, NFL draft and now you’re gonna be even further behind as your defense continues to get older. And remember coming into this year, a lot of the new guys signed very short contracts so some of those guys could be done after this year. There, there is a problem with the Carolina Panthers and even though Bryce Young is gonna be the face of the problem, he’s not the symptom of the problem. Oh, let’s call it what Bryce is. He’s the poster child of David Tepper’s decisions. Bryce, the poster child of 100% decision. That’s it. You look at Bryce Young like there’s, there’s all the years of Tepper and his decision making right there he’s the poster child of that. And guess what? The first year of this rebuild just got reset. We’re already resetting the reset of the reset of the. It’s crazy. It’s, and, and here’s the part, I’d rather, I’d rather the Carolina Panthers be honest with us and come into next year and say, you know what guys we are rebuilding, use the word. Just come out and say it, say my name, say my name, you got, you gotta come out and say it. You know what I’m saying? This is a rebuild. We’re not trying to sneak into the playoffs because the NFC is South is supposed to be bad. Look at the Saints right now. They are bawling, ok? They might be, they might be the best team in the league. Ok? So, so that is, that is out the window. We are rebuilding at this point and we are not gonna be good for again another 2 to 3 years. We’re, we’re, we’re keep, we keep pushing it back and that’s ok to say that, but we need to actually say that and that’s what I’ll be looking for from Dan Morgan and Dave Canalis in the future. The Panthers playbook brought to you by, sponsored by Carolina four dealers. Uh maybe, maybe, maybe they need a Ford F 150 on their team. Guess where Carolina four dealers can get it for you and leave your thoughts in the comments section. Uh Chris, thanks for jumping on here on short notice and thank you for tuning in on short notice again. Leave your thoughts in the comments section. Things just got more interesting. Moving on this season. We’re gonna have a lot interesting. We’re gonna have a lot to talk about on Thursday. That’s why you gotta subscribe. Get Thursday’s episode. Y’all be good.
